Mariah Carey may have her hands full with twins Moroccan and Monroe, but the 41-year-old singer has another baby: her Home Shopping Network line.

Mimi appeared on HSN Sunday night to hawk her wares, which ranged from jewelry to fragrances to shoes. She filled two hours worth of air time complaining about her pregnancy, swatting away invisible "butterflies," calling people "darling" and inventing words like "camouflagian."
The normally camera-loving star seemed uncomfortable with her post-baby weight, telling the cameras when to cut away from her and barking orders at the models. The geniuses over at Gawker pulled all her best moments into one clip:
This tops her loopy, repetitious performances from November, but you could've blamed those on all the hormones. Relive all the hilarity below:
Once a diva, always a diva!