Oh to be 21 again. Actually, scratch that. There was a lot of, um, poor judgment that occurred once finally reaching that elusive legal drinking age ... but it's still fun to look back on it, especially when presented in such a hilarious way as the new flick "21 & Over."
In theaters now, the film stars Skylar Astin (Casey) and Miles Teller (Miller) -- the best friends of birthday boy Justin Chon (Jeff Chang) -- who show up as a surprise to help Jeff Chang celebrate his big day. The problem is that Jeff Chang (yes he's always called by both names) has a life-changing interview the next morning at 8am, but what could go wrong ... right?
Wrong. The night devolves into debauchery, blackouts, drinking games, a possible love connection (Sarah Wright) for Casey, loss of clothing, wood paddles and more. There's even a buffalo. Seriously.
So we wondered, what were the real-life 21st birthdays like for the cast? Well, what they can remember...

Skylar Astin: Mine was in New York City, I had a bunch of friends on the rooftop of my apartment building. It was really fun! I remember taking a field trip from the party and we were just running around NY ... I remember sneaking my dog into a grocery store, being chased. I wish I could put the pieces together for you more, it would make a better story, but that's what i remember...
Sarah Wright: I really feel like I had my 21st birthday when I was younger. My 21st birthday was like sushi and sake with my friends and it was boring. But before that? Yes I had some crazy moments! Most of those nights ended with the sun coming up, pizza rolls from the Walgreens and ranch dressing, cooking those and falling asleep at 7am.

Miles Teller: My mom said, "Alright, there's a guy in the park you're gonna meet. Don't ask him any questions, he's got a package for you. Go up, grab the package and leave." I go back to my house and I open it up and it's 8 fluorescent green shirts with my face on it with a crown that says 21. The next day from 10am [my friends and I] were just all barhopping wearing these shirts with my face on it and went around New York and just had a blast. [It's] a pretty nice playground to wander around in.
Justin Chon: I was going to USC at the time and I studied abroad in Korea for a semester. I drank at some s**t hole and I got really wasted and woke up on the street, on the door of a pharmacy or something. My shirt started off white but it was completely black. I woke up and it was raining on me ... and my friends just left me there on the street! I just took the subway back to my Grandma's house.
To see how art seriously imitates life for Justin, be sure to check out the racy and hilarious "21 & Over," in theaters now!