The men of "Maleficent" learned to be very afraid of Angelina Jolie ... but it had nothing to do with her wicked makeover into one of Disney's most classic villains.
Instead, the guys had to watch their backs for on-set pranks!
toofab's Brian Particelli recently talked to Angie's costars Sharlto Copley, Elle Fanning and Sam Riley, where they talked about working with the respected actress and revealed how she let loose while filming at London's Pinewood Studio.
"It was crazy stuff, it was really intense and most of it will stay between us," Copley says of their on-set practical jokes.
Sharlto, who plays the cruel King Stefan in the flick, says that he tried to get Jolie to break character by improvising a fight with her characters' raven. While the crew loved it, Angelina definitely had him beat when it came time to exact her revenge.
"I was very proud of myself," Sharlto continues. "Then I came to the set at 6AM the next morning, I'm tired and I can't wait to get into my trailer. I open the trailer door and there are two huge ravens, real ravens, in the trailer!"

"One had s**t on my couch and they're really intimidating birds," he says. "I did not go into my trailer [after that], it took 20 minutes to find an animal wrangler. It was this constant thing because she could make stuff happen, she had more resources than anybody!"
"You don't want to start pulling pranks on a woman with the means she has at her disposal and fingertips," Sam Riley adds. "How did she manage to get these guys to get up before Sharlto's call time?! I'm not gonna mess with mistress!"
And while Elle didn't reveal any of Angelia's additional set shenanigans, she did say working on the flick let her see a totally different side of the actress -- especially when her children were around.
"They were on set a lot," Fanning says of Jolie's kids. "She would be in full everything, with both twins on each hip. It's fun to see her playful side because she'd be really evil on screen, then cut, and they'd be running into her arms. It was really cool."
Jolie's daughter Vivienne plays a young version of Princess Aurora in the film, while Pax and Zahara make brief cameos during the christening scene.
See them all in action when "Maleficent" hits theaters this weekend.