After President Donald Trump condemned athletes who kneel during the National Anthem, Hollywood vowed to #TakeTheKnee on Twitter in support of the protest.
The social media call to action was sparked by POTUS' insistence on Friday that anyone protesting the American flag at athletic events should be "fired." In response to Trump's weekend-long swipes at the NFL, athletes and coaches across the country kneeled, locked arms or just plain stayed in the locker rooms during the singing of the National Anthem at their Sunday games.
"If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast," Trump tweeted again Sunday morning. "Fire or suspend!"

Hollywood Crushes Donald Trump Over NFL Protest Remarks and Steph Curry Diss
View Story"...NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN," he added. "Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S."
Trump then posted that "standing with locked arms is good."
If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!
...NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S.
Great solidarity for our National Anthem and for our Country. Standing with locked arms is good, kneeling is not acceptable. Bad ratings!
John Legend wrote an entire op-ed for Slate in response to the movement, detailing why "these conversations are necessary for progress."
"The kneeling players are asking America to do better on criminal justice. If I could, I'd take a knee and join them," the singer-songwriter wrote. "Trump may love the flag, but he doesn't love anything it's supposed to stand for."
"I sing for a living," he continued. "No one would want me on their NFL team. But if I could, I'd take a knee on Sundays. Because these conversations are necessary for progress. Because these protests are their own form of a pledge-of-allegiance -- allegiance to the ideals that are our nation's founding principles, which many heroes have given their lives to defend. They are the definition of patriotism."
See how the rest of Hollywood is showing its support for the NFL and all other athletic organizations retaliating against Trump in the tweets below.
As a football fan, I am proud of the NFL players today. Nothing is more American than the right to peacefully protest.
A truth that #Trump will not acknowledge, is that #take a knee is not about disrespect for the flag. It's about protesting police brutality.
I am watching football today out of respect for all these players. Good for you @Kaepernick7 for starting a movement. Black lives matter.
Sorry to bug you, @realDonaldTrump. But this is a big deal. I don't want you to miss a moment of humans protesting you. Not. One. Moment.
The sports community is brave and serious about taking real risks to defend essential American values. We should all be so bold. #takeaknee
One of the great things about our country is that we can protest in peaceful ways without fear. God Bless America!
I love seeing all these athletes #TakeAKnee & the momentum @Kaepernick7 has started. I like this America. We're not sheep. #RiseUp #Resist
#TakeAKnee you son of a bitch @realDonaldTrump everything you wish to cripple you only strengthen #NFL #resist
Are you a white football fan?
Have you expressed your public support for #TakeAKnee ?
Our indifference is costing people their lives.
All Trump has to offer is divisiveness and petulance
We The People must do better#TakeTheKnee
I don't watch much football, but I'm going to tune into today because, well, that asshole in the White House told me not to.
Never let a son of a bitch distract you from doing what's right. #knee deep
If someone wants to have the privilege of leading the USA, he should not be a lying, uneducated coward..but ya know, here you are.
Also who's gonna tell Trump that the reason ratings are down is because of the NFL's boycott of @Kaepernick7
Colin and all other members who denounced these comments are great patriots who seek to improve their communities through their visibility
The idiots in the White House are corrupt bafoons who insult the meaning of freedom with their bigotry, fear mongering and greed. Good day
#TakeAKnee against trump. He is the biggest danger to our country.
Russell Simmons wasn't thrilled with how some showed support, however, tweeting:
Locking arms and staying in the locker room hiding is for bitches. I'm sorry I'm so upset WTF. So we not sure if black lives matter.