Try getting a good night's sleep at this turn-of-the-century farmhouse where the owner claims wandering ghosts pinch guests in the middle of night.
Here's the pitch for the next blockbuster horror film: Rental app offers "real" haunted houses to clients as a gimmick, but things turn ... you know how the rest goes.
But in this case, the first part of the pitch is actually based in real life as Airbnb has compiled a list of its "scariest" homes to book for the Halloween season, according to AOL.
Yep, that's right, you can play victim in your own personal fright flick for as little as $31 a night.

This Haunted House Will Pay You $20K to Finish It ... But No One Ever Has
View StorySo if you really want to feel like you are the last person left in the world, but still not alone, check out the Cisco Post Office in Utah. Located 30 miles from civilization, this once thriving mining town is said to have the specter of Charles Steen -- who found and lost his fortune in uranium -- roaming the abandoned buildings.
Perhaps you're a history buff and the thought of a temperamental, undead Confederate soldier gives you the willies. March on down to Gettysburg to the original home of Henry Gaugher where guests have reported hearing footsteps in the attic and seeing a man in uniform standing with his arms crossed in the corner.
And why are turn-of-the-century toys so creepy? Well, they are, and being musical and playing by themselves at night adds all the more chilling charm to a farmhouse in Ohio. The owner -- who happens to be a psychic -- leaves notes for guests to warn them of the occult-like orchestra.
Speaking of macabre music, a house in North Carolina boasts a box that plays nursery rhymes on its own as well. That not spooky enough for you? Try to get some shut eye after you see orbs floating in the dining room or feel the pinch of a wandering ghost, which the great grandson of the original owner claims are regular occurrences.

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View StoryCheck out the entire list of rentals to see if any of them pique your morbid curiosity.
Just don't blame TooFab if things really do go bump in the night during your stay. We warned you. Mwahahahaha.
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