The pair recreated the iconic scene from the 1996 film in response to the coronavirus-induced panic-buying.
Two violinists have poked fun at the apocalyptic panic-buying that has emerged in the wake of the coronavirus, allowing for a much-needed moment of levity.
Bonnie von Duyke and Emer Kinsella set up their stage in an empty toilet paper aisle in Los Angeles and began serenading shoppers to the tune of "Nearer, my God, To Thee," the composition the bandleader chooses at the end of the movie "Titanic."
Wearing black suits and bright orange life vests, the pair recreated the iconic scene from the 1996 film when members of the band pledge to continue playing their instruments, even as the ship rapidly sinks.
Von Duyke even takes it a step further and repeats a famous line of dialogue from the James Cameron flick as she turned to Kinsella and says, "Gentleman, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight."
The tip of the hat to "Titanic" summarizes the current state of affairs, as a fearful public stockpiles essential items such as toilet paper in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
According to recent media reports, global cases have reached over 200,000 with a death toll of 8,000. In the U.S., there have been 110 deaths attributed to COVID-19.
Von Duyke posted the video to her YouTube channel with the title "Ode to RMS Toilet Paper 🧻-'I'll never let go.'"

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View Story"Many musicians and freelancers are losing work at this time," she wrote. "Concerts and events are being cancelled right and left. Being a freelance artist myself, I'm not giving up and I want viewers to be aware of my services during this social distancing time."
She ended the message with special shout out to all those involved with the hilarious project.
"Thank you Emer Kinsella for taking time out of your day to play in an empty isle (sic), for agreeing to be shoved into a life jacket. Thank you Kristen Brancaccio for the amazing cinematography. Thank you both for putting your lives at risk for the sake of art."
Watch the full video above!
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