"Black lives matter... to no one."
Protesters in New Jersey had to walk past a despicable display as residents openly mocked the killing of George Floyd.
Videos from a peaceful Black Lives Matter march on Monday showed one man in his front lawn kneeling on another man's neck, as he and his friends laugh and shout obscenities.
The property boasted several pick-up trucks adorned with "All lives matter" signs, American flags and Trump banners.

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View Story"Look at that -- if you don't comply that's what happens," the kneeler bellowed at the crowd. "If you don't comply this is what happens right here, look."
"He didn't comply. He didn't comply. If he would've complied it wouldnt've happened," he continued to shout. "That's why he's dead."
His friend, videoing the crowd, answered their chants of "Black Lives Matter!" — shouting after them "Black lives matter... to no one."
"God bless the police, ya dumb ass protesters," he calls out after them; his video shot from inside the garden cuts off right as a voice can be heard saying "you want somebody to go firebomb this..."

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View StoryFranklin Township Police Department said it was investigating the incident, which Mayor John Bruno and Police Chief Brian Zimmer described as "revolting" in a joint statement.
"The Franklin Township Committee and its Police Department are appalled and saddened by the revolting actions of certain individuals after Monday's locally organized Peaceful March," they wrote. "This is not who we are as a community."
"We support the goal of this march which is to spread awareness and to ensure a better future for all of us. Without an understanding and mutual respect for all individuals, we can never aspire to create a united community based upon the idea of human respect and dignity for all."
The protest march, like countless others across the country, took place on the day before George Floyd was laid to rest beside his mother.
He died on May 25, after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes, after arresting him over an alleged fake $20.
Chauvin has since been charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, while the three other officers that were involved in the arrest — Thomas Lane, J.A. Keung and Tou Thao — have also been charged with aiding and abetting the homicide.

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