First she was "woken up early" to iron the man's clothes by her husband, who just scrolled lazily on his phone before scolding her ... and that's not even the worst part.
A 25-year-old woman, who is expecting her first child, has taken to the internet for advice after being shamed and belittled by her new husband.
The tale, posted to an anonymous forum, got the Reddit community riled up as they expressed both anger and support in the comments.
While the story was originally shared to the AITA (am I the a--hole) subreddit, not only was it clear to readers that OP (a.k.a. the "original poster") was not the a--hole they also had some very serious advice to offer.
Read on to see how the whole thing played out.

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View StoryOriginal AITA Reddit Post
She began her post by offering some background info.
"I 25F recently got married (8months) to my 28 year old husband," OP explained. "My FIL [father-in-law] came to visit 3 days ago and when he arrived late at night I was shocked because we were not expecting him until a day ago."
"I’m heavily pregnant and I could easily pop anytime from now. My energy levels have dropped significantly and I can barely do any house work," she said. "Now the day he arrived I was lucky because I had prepared the meal in bulk for meal prep as I’m doing this to save energy. So I served him the food and it wasn’t a problem at all."
"Now fast forward to today, my FIL has an interview but last night both him and my husband didn’t let me know what time he was going to leave," OP continued.

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View StoryAfter what already seemed to be a rather unfair dynamic in the house, OP went on to share even more disturbing details.
"I was woken up early morning by my husband to iron his father’s clothes. I didn’t want to but I did it," she recounted. "I haven’t been well lately due to pregnancy and getting out of bed is a bit hard. My husband then went on to scroll on his phone whilst I did the ironing."
"He didn’t bother to at least boil water for his father’s breakfast, after I was done ironing he asked why I hadn’t made breakfast for his father and went on to say I don’t love his relatives. I went back to bed and told him I wasn’t well and that I wasn’t going to make breakfast."
"He went on to say he can’t wait for me to go to my parents (after I give birth I’m meant to stay at my parents and learn a few things about the baby) because I’ve become useless," OP wrote, concluding her post.

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View Story"I would go to my parents and NEVER COME BACK" & Other Reddit Advice
As mentioned before, the Reddit forum was completely on OP's side and had unanimously voted her NTA (not the a--hole).
The highest rated comment on the post advised: "Oh dear NTA at all. This is so awful to read! Your husband is a giant A--hole. You are getting treated like a servant, a maid and not an equal partner. Is there any chance that you can go to your parents or good friends? I would not stay in this hostile environment."
"Please visit the sub r/abusiverelationships for more information how to leave this marriage," the commenter continued. "You deserve a partner who is loving and respecting you. No one should call another human 'useless'. This is an abusive relationship and it will only get worse by now. I hope, you find the strength in this difficult situation to leave!"
While others on the post were just in utter shock at the idea of waking someone up to iron clothes ... let alone a heavily pregnant woman.

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View StoryAnother noted: "It’s 2024. This reads like the Middle Ages. Your husband needs a lecture on how women are human beings and not house maids. Also men are supposed to be able to manage a household. Housework is everybody’s responsibility. When you’re physically or mentally not able, it is his responsibility to care for guests, himself and you, and it is the same the other way round. NTA and I am shocked that you have to ask. I can’t imagine spending my life with someone like this and I’m very sorry for you. I hope he will get it soon enough."
"Wow, I'm impressed that your husband, with two broken arms, can still manage to scroll on his phone," yet another Redditor sarcastically wrote. "(He has two broken arms, right? Because that's the only reason I can think of for not doing the ironing and making breakfast for his own father.)"
You get the picture. What do you think?