Vivica A. Fox's former fiance, Omar "Slim" White, tells toofab he's the one who walked away from their relationship -- and engagement.
"She's a good woman, it's just one of those situations where in life people outgrow each other," the Atlanta club promoter tells toofab exclusively." I'm highly intelligent, very wise and one thing I hate is negativity and drama, I hate arguing, and I value communication no matter what the problem may be. So as in any relationship, tension can build up and I finally had to walk away."
The couple's engagement made headlines last January due to their 19-year age difference.
"I was only in it for love and it just didn't work out. Even though she was older than me the age difference didn't play a part," Omar added.
Vivica has yet to speak about the split, but did tweet "I'm excellent! All is good thankx!" this morning.
The "Kill Bill" star was married to singer Christopher Harvest from 1998-2002.