"Black Panther" star Danai Gurira has some bad news for Marvel fans: That all-female "Avengers" rumor is just that, a rumor. For now, at least.
"I keep hearing this rumor also," Gurira told Ellen DeGeneres Wednesday when asked about the prospective female superhero film. "So I mean a bunch of people are making the rumor up so you're not alone, but yeah, I just got asked that a couple of days ago and, you know, I think it is a rumor. But I think that, you know, the cool thing is that it's showing that there's this hunger for that type of thing."

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View Story"The awesome Brie Larson is filming 'Captain Marvel' as we speak," the actress said when Ellen showed a group photo of the Marvel women (below). "These things are starting to happen and I think it's really exciting because it's showing that yeah of course it's time we start seeing the perspective of a story come from exclusively from women. I mean, magic happens when women do their thang. You know what I'm saying?"
"We're putting it out there," Ellen said. "And I just want to say that I can do superhuman things if you need me in it at all."
Gurira's "Black Panther" and "Avengers: Infinity War" co-star Letitia Wright also chimed in on the "rumor" on Twitter Wednesday morning.
a rumour is always a rumour until you have clarification from the person/source itself 😓☝🏾
Let's hope Marvel turns a popular rumor into reality soon then.
The host also asked "The Walking Dead" star how her life has changed since becoming a part of the Marvel universe.

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View StoryHer greatest experience thus far was attending the Oscars last year, where she met Beyonce and Jay-Z. "That was pretty cool," she said.
"They were saying awesome things," Gurira recalled. "I was starstruck, so all I kept saying is that, 'I am starstruck. I am starstruck,' so next time I meet them I hope I have full sentences."
"Avengers: Infinity War" hits theaters this Friday.
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