Buckle up, readers! The movie star has A LOT to say in latest interview and we are all ears.
UPDATED 10/4/18 at 8:30 a.m.:
Amber Heard's lawyer has released a statement slamming Johnny Depp's denial of abuse and criticized GQ for printing it.
"If GQ had done even a basic investigation into Mr. Depp's claims, it would have quickly realized that his statements are entirely untrue," Heard's lawyer said in the statement. "Mr. Depp has blatantly disregarded the parties' confidentiality agreement and yet has refused to allow Ms. Heard to respond to his baseless allegations, despite repeated requests that she be allowed to do so.
"Mr. Depp is shamefully continuing his psychological abuse of Ms. Heard, who has attempted to put a very painful part of her life firmly in her past," the statement continued. "One need only look at the physical evidence to draw the proper conclusion."
Shortly after Heard's lawyer spoke out, Depp's attorney followed suit -- with abuse allegations against the actress.
"In his GQ interview, Mr. Depp is simply defending himself against Ms. Heard's lingering false abuse accusations. Johnny Depp is the abuse victim. In UK court proceedings next month, we will be submitting clear evidence of the violence committed serially against him by Ms. Heard and the serious injuries that he suffered," said lawyer Adam Waldman. "We will also submit overwhelming evidence that Ms. Heard faked the abuse allegations against Mr. Depp."
"The only 'shameful psychological abuse' stems from Ms. Heard's continuing cynical manipulation of the important #MeToo movement and its real victims, that she has used to pursue her own ends," he concluded.
Johnny Depp opened up for another lengthy magazine profile, and it's loaded with so much tea, we don't even know where to begin.
The three biggest revelations (of many) in his very candid British GQ profile -- which has fresh pictures of him looking more like a healthy Hollywood heartthrob than this fan snap -- are all about his bitter divorce battle with Amber Heard, his clashes with Disney while filming the first "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, and his outrage over his last magazine profile in Rolling Stone.

Johnny Depp Addresses Divorce, Financial Problems and That Earpiece Rumor In Rolling Stone
View StoryHe described the lengthy piece exploring his financial problems and disputes with managers as "a sham."
"I was shafted," Depp said. "The guy [journalist Stephen Rodrick] walked in with absolutely one intention. And I could see it and I thought maybe I could help him understand, you know?"
"I trusted [Rolling Stone co-founder and publisher] Jann Wenner, as I knew him through Hunter [S. Thompson]," he added. "I trusted what the magazine stood for, or what it used to stand for. I wanted Jann to see if he could write, to see if a piece could be written ... to put things in perspective. That's all, just to put things in perspective."
But we know why you're here. You want to know what he has to say about Heard -- his ex-wife who accused him of domestic abuse, filed a restraining order against him, and then settled their divorce for $7 million. You're in for a treat, because the actor spills more of his side of the story than he ever has before.
Read on for a full rundown of every revelation, and stick around for an à la carte of some of his wildest statements during a conversation we would have given anything to observe as a fly on the wall.
He Denies Hitting Heard
"To harm someone you love? As a kind of bully? No, it didn't, it couldn't even sound like me," he said when asked about her allegations against him, which have tainted the public's perception against him in the #MeToo era.
"So, initially, I just kept my mouth shut, you know? I knew it was going to stick on me and it would get weirder. Keep going, you know? Go nuts. I ain't going to get into a pissing contest with someone about it. Spit out what you need to spit out and, you know, my attorneys will take care of the rest. I never went out and spoke about the shit."
He also took issue with those images of Heard, who he refers to throughout the interview as "that person," with bruises on her face. She showed up in court with the marks on her face in 2016 to request a restraining order, and Depp seems to think they may be have been fabricated.
"Why didn't that person speak to the police? I mean, they spoke to the police, but the police saw nothing and they offered her an emergency medical technician. She said no," he said. "Police see nothing on her. Police see nothing broken in the place, no marks, and then they offer her an EMT to have a look at her and she says no and I don't know if it was the next day or a couple of days later, but then there was a bruise. There was a red mark and then there was a brown bruise."

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View StoryHe Says Video of Him Smashing Wine Glass Was NOT After a Fight with Amber Heard
TMZ also got their hands on a video Heard recorded on her cell phone of Depp fuming about something while drinking wine in the daytime. "You want to see crazy? I'll give you f--king crazy," he said before discovering she's recording and then tossing the phone away. TMZ framed the story as, "Johnny Depp Goes Off on Amber Heard... Hurls Wine Glass."
According to Depp, the fight was not about Heard at all, but rather him having a breakdown after learning of serious financial problems.
"The tape that came out, or the tape that someone made, that miraculously appeared on YouTube, taken from someone's phone. That was not Downtown [LA, where he lived with Amber Heard]," the actor said. "She wanted to make like it was recent. It was an older video and had to do with finding out that I had lost hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars.”
In the footage, that has over 7 million views on YouTube, his ex-wife appears to think he's mad over something relating to her.
"Nothing happened this morning," she said.
"Were you in here? So then nothing happened to you this morning," he angrily replied. "Did something happen to you this morning? I don't think so."

Why J.K. Rowling Is OK With Johnny Depp in 'Fantastic Beasts' After Abuse Allegations
View StoryHe Worried About His Kids After Domestic Abuse Allegations
“And worse than that, to take away future earnings that are for my kids, you know? I do this shit for my kids, man. How could someone, anyone, come out with something like that against someone, when there's no truth to it whatsoever?" he said to the GQ reporter. "I'm sure it wasn't easy for my 14-year-old boy to go to school, you know what I mean? With people going, 'Hey, look at this magazine, man. What, your dad beats up chicks or something?' Why did he have to go through that? Why did my daughter have to go through that?"
Regardless of which side of the story you choose to believe, he made it clear the entire ordeal was one hell of a storm to weather.
"We probably shouldn't be talking about this, but I am worried. I worry about the people that bought it and I worry about her," he said, referencing Heard. "It's just not right. I will never stop fighting. I'll never stop. They'd have to fucking shoot me. An episode like this takes time to get over."

Did Amber Heard Shade J.K. Rowling for Defending Johnny Depp's 'Fantastic Beasts' Casting?
View StoryHe's Not Afraid to Walk Away From 'This Vile F--king Circus'
That's how the movie star described the media frenzy over his personal life in recent years. And maybe that's how he views Hollywood, in general, these days. The interview took place at a chapel Depp had converted into a residence in the rural French town of Le Hameau De Gassin.
"But did it stop all the power mongers in Hollywood who were interested in shutting me up? Big money was being thrown about. People suing me at every opportunity. I mean, it's all so obvious," he said. "Listen, I know I was never going to be Cinderella -- I know this and accept it. But it felt like within a very, very short period of time that suddenly this version -- for lack of a better word -- of Cinderella had been immediately turned into the beast. He's Quasimodo."
"I could feel people look at me differently, because of the accusations towards you. And then people start putting things in magazines: 'He's insane. He needs to take a sanity test...' You know, ludicrous stuff," he continued. "But the only thing that I could do was know what I still know. Ultimately, the truth will come out in all of this and I will be standing on the right side of the roaring rapids. I hope other people will be too. I know the truth and if I had to walk away from all of it today, the job, the career, all of it, and go toodle-oo, then fine."
“I've got nothing to prove to anyone, because I've never been in competition with anyone. I don't buy into that shit. I'm not interested in receiving any spray-painted action figures," he added. "You know, maybe whatever this thing is, whatever I leave behind, you know, my legacy to my kids or the people, I haven't watched 98 percent of that shit. It may be completely insane. It may be crap. It may be interesting. I don't fucking know what it is. But what I do know is that I did something, and I tried something different, for a period of years. Did it work? Who the f--k knows? But I did it and I'm fine to stop."

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View StoryDepp Clashed with Disney Over His Oscar-Nominated Performance as Jack Sparrow
While talking about his career taking off as an actor, instead of as a rock star -- his lifelong dream -- he said, "The trouble with working with these big studios is they can get uncomfortable about certain creative decisions you make. That happened with 'Pirates.' My view is if the studio isn't worried then I'm not doing my job properly."
He's alluded to clashing with the movie's screenwriters in past interviews, but this time he makes it clear: "Disney hated me."
"[They were] thinking of every way they could to get rid of me, to fire me," he continued. "'Oh, we're going to have to subtitle him.' 'We don't understand Captain Jack Sparrow. What's wrong with him?' 'What's wrong with his arms?' 'Is he drunk?' 'Is he mentally fucking stupefied?' 'Is he gay?'"
"They asked me, 'Is he gay?' and I answered the question over the phone," Depp said when asked for more details about the studio's concerns about Sparrow's sexuality. And the executive Depp said inquired about his character's sexuality is, in fact, gay herself.
"It was a lady called Nina Jacobson from Disney at the time and she asked me a couple of questions and then said, 'What is it, Johnny? Is he gay?'" he explained. "My tendency, of course, is to be irreverent so I said, 'Nina, didn't you know all my characters are gay?' That was a pretty abrupt end to the conversation. And I just continued shaping Jack the way I believed was best."
But he said he wasn't angry that the studio didn't trust his vision for the character that would go on to lead a billion-dollar franchise.
"I told them, 'Look, you don't like what I'm doing, fire me. You hired me to do a job and play the character and this is what I want to do.' This is the work. I mean, hadn't they seen any of the work I'd done previously? You might want to take a look at that before you hire a motherf--ker, you know?"
"I knew I was right. Even the very first time when they came back to me saying, 'No, no, what is this?' it felt right," he said. "Even when the other actors were looking at me like I was an absolute menace, I stayed with it. I mean, the older actors were probably thinking, 'Jesus Christ, he's wrecked.' Because I would tear up the script on set. I'd go rogue. I'd fly for a little bit to see where things went. And not everyone appreciates this way of working. Oliver Stone didn't appreciate it when I changed all the lines he wrote for me in 'Platoon' and that's no doubt probably why most of my stuff ended up on the cutting-room floor."

5 of Johnny Depp's Most Ridiculously Expensive Purchases -- Including This From the Kardashians
View StoryProgress He's Made on His Memoir
"I've also been doing a lot of writing. I kind of started a book, a couple of months before I broke up with Amber," Depp said.
This was one of the revelations TooFab noted in that Rolling Stone profile Depp apparently wasn't too happy with. But in this profile, we got a status update.
"I've written around 300 pages. I have about 300 more pages more to go. I am halfway," he said. "They are more memories. And some of the beauty and the knowledge that I've been able to glean or sponge off of some of these magic f--king people I know, from Brando to Hunter to Patti Smith to Dylan to Ginsberg. I have been so lucky to have met all these folk. I don't have cards or make notes really. No structure is blocked out. I have reminders. I'll make a list of reminders."
"It's not written in any kind of linear form," he added. "It should be more like the unplanned telling of a story around the campfire."
Depp Opens Up About 'Dark' Childhood and Abusive Mother
“I mean my childhood was dark. My mum wouldn't edit. There was no editing. She would say what she meant, what she felt, in that instant. No matter how wrong it might have been even, or how hideously evil it was in the moment, she didn't edit. It came out: bleurgh!" he said. "She was out of her mind, obviously, and she didn't know what the f--k she was doing. She got four kids and she hated the world. Was there fuck loads of verbal abuse? Yeah, man. Was there fuck loads of physical abuse? Yes. And never-ending, to the point that pain, physical pain, was just a given."

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View StoryDepp Á la Carte:
"Johnny, John... I'm a John. Is it Jon-a-than or Jon-a-thon? I'm John Christopher Depp II. I have a number after my name which makes me sound... I don't know, grander than I should be."
"Shall we go and sit in the sun, talk, get heatstroke, vomit and die?"
"I mean, at the beginning I genuinely didn't give a f--k about acting. But I began to enjoy it."
"This? Well, it's no Texas Belt Buckle. You know what Texas Belt Buckle is? Well, a Texas Belt Buckle is where you have to pull your scrotum up over the top of your jeans without undoing them. All the way up and over. Oh, the horror of it all... You have to bring your cock back around and stick it through... Your cock has to go around the bend in a sort of semi fruit basket and then, well, then you're fucked. You pull your testicles out over the top and leave them just resting there. That's a Texas Belt Buckle. Then, of course, there's a Dirty Sanchez, which is something else entirely. 'Dirty Sanchez,' which I managed to sneak into 'Pirates'..."
"Yeah, I [said] it in 'Pirates' and they never caught it when it went out to the theaters. They caught it when it went to DVD. I did it because I wanted to see who would be the one at Disney to find it..."
"Do I like a drink? Yes. Do I need a drink? No."
"I've even said before, if a paparazzo gets a shot, they're far away and they get a shot of me and my kid, whatever, that's their thing. But if I catch you, I will eat your nose. I will eat your nose, chew it up and swallow it in front of you and then you'll f--king think about it next time. I f--king mean it."
"I might look stupid, but I ain't fucking stupid.”
"I want the truth. That's really my biggest obsession in the world. It's just the fucking truth."