Forget the seven kingdoms — check out these seven GOT-inspired moments
"Game of Thrones" may air on Sunday nights, but the popular HBO fantasy drama had a strong presence at the Met Gala Monday night.
There were plenty of Westerosi moments during "Fashion's Biggest Night", including cast reunions, outfit inspirations... and one particularly uncanny comparison.

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View Story1. Nick Jonas IS Littlefinger
The singer rocked the carpet in an all-white, high neck Dior suit, complete with slick back hair and a very familiar looking mustache. Many people hilariously compared the "Jumanji" star to Petyr Baelish a.k.a Littlefinger (played by Aidan Gillen) from "Thrones" because of his look. Even Sansa Stark herself -- Nick's sister-in-law Sophie Turner -- joined in on the joke.
The youngest JoBro shared a photo of himself from the Gala next to a photo of Littlefinger. "Sansa... We must protect the vale. #metgala #littlefinger," he wrote in the caption. Turner commented, "Quit trying to manipulate me....... ugh I thought you died last season"
2. A Stark Reunion
Turner also had her own moment at the Met Gala, the event she attended with her new husband, Joe Jonas. The actress was reunited with her former on-screen brother, Richard Madden, who played Robb Stark on the HBO series until his character's gruesome death back in Season 3, at the infamous Red Wedding
While inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the two embraced with a heartwarming hug that was captured by photographers. (Check out the sweet shot at the top of the article).
3. The Viper returns
Speaking of graphic "Game of Thrones" deaths, Pedro Pascal also made an appearance at the A-list event and looked dapper in a Burberry suit... WAY better than his last GOT appearance. If you recall, Pascal starred as the dashing Dorne prince Oberyn Martell, until The Mountain popped his eyeballs and crushed his skull with his bare hands, after a bit of ill-timed gloating.
4. Growing Strong for Missandei
Perhaps in protest against Houses Lannister and Targaryen, Filmmaker Ava DuVernay arrived in a very Highgarden-esque green silken gown adorned with a huge single rose — the sigil of the snuffed House Tyrell.
Just hours earlier she criticized Missandei's tragic death after Sunday night's "Game Of Thrones"; DuVernay was less than pleased when the show's only female black character was brutally -- and some might say gratuitously -- killed off... and back in chains, no less.
"So... the one and only sister on the whole epic, years-long series? That's what you wanna do? Okay. #GOT," she tweeted.
To sum up her feelings, she posted a vid of James Earl Jones' dismissive gaze as "Conan The Barbarian" villain Thulsa Doom -- right before he decapitates the young Arnold Schwarzenegger's mother.

5. Mothers of Dragons
Fans were buzzing over Florence Welch's medieval-esqe gown that looked straight out of Daenerys Targaryn's wardrobe. But it was just the warm up act to Saorise Ronan's dracarys-hot ensemble, which was quite literally adorned with a pair of dragons (one more that Dany now has, thanks a lot Euron).
6. The Seven-Eyed Raven meets The House Of Black And White
Having dressed in an elaborate pink ball gown the night before the gala, fans new Ezra Miller was going to don a very special look for the event — and they were not disappointed. The "Justice League" star paid tribute to two of GOT's most mysterious entities — the Three-Eyed Raven and the Faceless Men — by adding five extra eyes via one spectacular make-up job, which he hid beneath a face mask.
7. The Head Master
In what was CLEARLY a tribute to Ned Stark (and Missandei, and Janos Slynt, and Rodrick Cassel, and Rickard Karstark, and Grey Wind, and Robb Stark, and that poor Night's Watch deserter from the first episode who was actually telling the truth about the White Walkers), Jared Leto carried around his own decapitated head for the whole night.

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