While it was clear whose side the internet was on, others called the argument a "pathetic rich people problem."
An argument between a married couple over a Tesla Cybertruck has spilled online.
The story, posted to Reddit's anonymous "Am I the A-Hole" forum, saw the OP -- (a.k.a. the "original poster") detail the pair's domestic spat regarding their husband's electric vehicle -- and how his issues with the car have now become a problem for them both.
Read on to see the full story and how Redditors reacted.

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View StoryThe Original AITA Post on Reddit
"I love my Tesla. I have had it for almost two years and it runs great. I have saved on fuel and I like the tech," OP, who did not specify their gender identity, began.
"My husband just got his cybertruck. It is hot garbage. But he really wanted it and we could afford it," they continued. "I said we should wait for the second model so that they could get all the kinks out of the design. He insisted on being one of the first."
While OP said their husband "loved" the vehicle and got "lots of attention" when they first got the vehicle, "now he hates it" and "constantly asks" to drive their Tesla Plaid instead.
"Which means I would have to use his stainless Aztek. I do not let him unless I know I will not need to go anywhere," they continued. "I'm not here to argue about that vehicle. Some people love it some hate it. I know that but it is neither here nor there."
OP said their husband is "just upset with me because I am making him live with his decision that I said was not well thought out to begin with," before asking whether they were being the A-hole in this situation.

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View StoryHow Reddit Reacted
The post officially earned a "Not the A-hole" label by Redditors, though many of the comments saw a bit of divide between them.
"NTA. He wanted it. You said wait. He went ahead. Now he can live with his decision," wrote one reader, a sentiment echoed by many. Another wrote: "NTA: He wanted the Electric Dumpster, now he has to drive it."
"Some people buy cars because they want others to go oooh, wow, amazing. Those attention seekers get bored when they stop getting attention. Sad. And a waste of money," read another comment.
"Baby doesn’t like his toy. NTA," said another, while many got a laugh out of OP's "Stainless Aztek" comment.

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View StoryThere were quite a few commenters, however, who said they were both in the wrong -- or, as Reddit said, ESH (Everybody Sucks Here). "ESH, for buying Tesla products. Y'all wild for that," said one, while another added, "ESH for both giving Elon Musk money."
"Trust fund baby problems," said someone else, while the post was also tagged to the First World Problems subreddit. "This is some of the most pathetic rich people problem type s--t," read another comment.
Concluded another: "I have no sympathy for anyone having Tesla problems. That company is hot garbage."
OP also responded to a very popular comment asking, "Why not just sell it? Those things are going for stupid money." Their reply: "I said he should. He won't."
They also claimed that if he sold the vehicle, "he might be banned" from buying one in the future. "He hates it because he is laughed at wherever he goes with it. Some kid was lipping off to him and threatened to throw a glass of water on it," OP added.
What do you think?