Danielle Staub has since moved on from last month's announcement that she won't be returning to "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" -- she has a burgeoning music and solo TV career, and a jewelry line with a clothing collection on the horizon. But, now, she's opening up more than ever before about the “bullying” she endured on the show.
Why talk about it now? Well, she's gearing up for the release of the video for her song 'Cry,' from which the downloaded proceeds will go to Strengthen Our Sisters domestic violence shelters and charities (“Domestic violence is part of bullying because you're being destroyed by another human being,” she says) and as the national dialogue rages on about bullying, she feels the time is right.
“The way they treated me was bullying and it was hate,” she tells TooFab in an exclusive interview. “I have to say shame on you. Shame on you for not dropping the cameras when I was being bullied. I was hiding from [my castmates], and then I'm physically attacked. Being attacked and having hate done unto you is a crime, and those who do that should be prosecuted. So I feel for each person being bullied. Someone could have helped me. It was horrifying. There wasn't a camera guy, or a producer or someone to say, 'I can't watch what they're doing to her.'”
Staub acknowledges reality TV is prone to drama, but says that the limits were pushed. “It was one thing if it was Season One, but to glorify these people chasing me and meaning me nothing more than harm, well, it doesn't speak highly of the show. I'm saying everyone collectively could have done something. I'm still a mother, a person, a human being.”
Staub says the treatment was so awful, it was a situation “where I gave up a paycheck and walked away from that.”
Staub is unabashed about who the main bully was: “I think it all came from Caroline, the physical aspects came from Jacqueline and Teresa. And you have Caroline calling me 'garbage.'”
Bottom line? She says, “I think our boss could have done more than he did. I think more than one apology could have been made.”