On the new USA drama "Mr. Robot," a band of hackers led by Christian Slater play Robin Hood against the 1%.
"I think the subject matter, how relevant it is, how timely it is, how corrupt the 1% is and trying to battle against that, there's something heroic about that," star Rami Malek tells toofab. "You get this feeling that you actually can do something here and have fun doing it."
And while the gang has fun with their expert hacking abilities on the small screen, one of the stars of the sleek new series -- premiering tonight -- had a nightmare of a time with online invaders in real life.
Portia Doubleday, who plays Malek's coworker and potential love-interest, was caught in the middle of a seriously scary situation after someone got a hold of all her personal information.
"I got hacked, I don't know where my information is," she tells toofab's Brian Particelli. "My grandma, I was held for ransom supposedly ... she totally believed it."
The hackers apparently told Doubeday's nana that she had been kidnapped and were attempting to get her to wire them money for the ransom.
"The scariest part was that they knew where I was located, like they knew where I was driving, they knew if I was turning the corner," she continues. They didn't end up getting any money, but the actress says the matter is still under investigation.
And though she's been through quite an ordeal herself, Doubleday still thinks it's "interesting" to see "privacy get hijacked and taken for ransom" on the show.
As for Slater, he was just excited to learn a few technical terms to throw around in the real world.
"I didn't know what a CPU was, is that the right thing?" he jokes. "I was having trouble [with the jargon]. I needed to have people come in and help!"
See more from the stars in the video above -- plus, check out the first episode of "Mr. Robot" below. The series premieres tonight on USA.