Even recent accolades and love of "Stranger Things" adorable kids can't shield Netflix from the outrage over its upcoming series "Dear White People."
The series, based off the 2014 movie of the same name, is being branded "racist" towards white people by some Netflix customers and has a slew of internet hotheads calling for a boycott of the show.
In the teaser for "Dear White People," the main character chastises white people over Halloween costumes, specifically pointing out white people dressing up in blackface for the holiday.
As a result, social media is being flooded with photos of people deleting their Netflix accounts, while others are simply threatening to cancel their subscriptions.
See the reactions (below).
For all the people who called me a loon for saying Dear White People is anti-white, here's a tweet from the writer of the show. #NoNetflix https://t.co/FWIR9JCwbx
This is disgusting. @Netflix's show 'Dear White People' is beyond racist. Creator of the show is an outspoken anti-white racist. #NoNetflix pic.twitter.com/dLcRzbIYHk
Due to backlash against the anti-White show "Dear White People" & White people unsubscribing from the service, Netflix stocks have dropped. pic.twitter.com/tldwidLpxH
The 30 sec trailer for #DearWhitePeople on Netflix can't promote "white genocide" if no one died. pic.twitter.com/FmpH6ypgvE
Dear black people... before you attack white people for appropriating your hair, make sure your hair isn't isn't a weave made of our hair. pic.twitter.com/yJ7SoCzZt3
This is the Director for "Dear White People" Tell me what is wrong with the 1st sentence..... pic.twitter.com/odvFJ17NjU
Wow, the amount of dislikes is a white-pill! People are waking up to the #antiwhite propaganda!#dearwhitepeople pic.twitter.com/Qy6xh404D6
White ppl are canceling their Netflix subscriptions due to the new Netflix series “Dear White People”. pic.twitter.com/GO5GtB8cFV
"Dear White People" upset the alt-white? Good,cancel your Netflix subscription and go out looking for that mythical "white culture".
dear white people: "please don't do blackface"
I can't wait for the new series from @Netflix, Dear White People. pic.twitter.com/915TzvRevC
Netflix announced a new anti-white show (Dear White People) that promotes white genocide.
I cancelled my account, do the same. #NoNetflix pic.twitter.com/2HIGqviLHj
Me scrolling through the thread of all the people canceling their subscriptions to Netflix because of "Dear White People" pic.twitter.com/hMgiWEtvh8
Here we go, @netflix, have fun with your anti-white "Dear White People" show. pic.twitter.com/yeHR8vnEhw