UPDATE 4:15pm PT: "The Emoji Movie" Twitter page deleted the "Handmaid's Tale" tweet.
"The Emoji Movie" is facing some major backlash for a tweet it sent out spoofing "The Handmaid's Tale."
On Monday, the movie's official account sent out the above photo, showing an extremely happy, made up woman's face smiling from her white bonnet. The caption: "Blessed be the Emoji."
To the best of our knowledge, "The Emoji Movie" has little in common with the Amazon series, which focuses on the brutal oppression of women in a dystopian society. Knowing this, it's no surprise Twitter set its sights on the film for the social media post.
See some of the brutal reactions below:
Missed the mark on this one by a long shot. Are we supposed to think of that emoji in servitude, being raped and forced to have babies?
Delete your account.
Ad exec 1: come on people, we need ideas to promote emoji movie
Exec 2: you know that show w/ the systematic rape?
Exec 1: I'm listening... https://t.co/P2LN9nBVbG
Do Schindler's Emoji next! https://t.co/C9oGTy3jsN
fixed it for you @EmojiMovie pic.twitter.com/p5gr6Ae1xe
Are they letting TJ Miller do the social campaign https://t.co/VpfSFkwo29
Delete this. https://t.co/CKx4zETKMy
Bright side: This movie company will be writing a nice check to @PPact soon.
who....thought......this.........was..............a..................good...........idea? pic.twitter.com/cV7p3UCfzH
Just when you think the Emoji movie couldn't get worse
Of fensive https://t.co/2JYLsvpXfG
I will pay people not to see @EmojiMovie https://t.co/S4QxaHSp4e
Is it me or is this ad fairly messed up? Like more messed up than an emoji movie is to begin with? https://t.co/WPsVbrlDka
oh guys 🤦🏻♂️ pic.twitter.com/UGaWOklwc8
This is really tasteless.
Only the people who thought this movie would be a good idea could possibly think this tweet was a good idea.
Starting to think that The Emoji Movie isn't going to be an Oscar-winner. https://t.co/DguDq5hkKx
Based on this ad, there is a lot more theocratic State sanctioned rape in The Emoji Movie than I was expecting, I guess? https://t.co/1jOfOmxTfD
Jesus Christ @EmojiMovie, what are you doing? Did you even watch the show???? https://t.co/sXi3V6HU82
Ooooh, lemme try: Emoji Centipede! 💩😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬💩
Oh you've got jokes on the subjugation, rape and societal betrayal of women! Can't wait to take my kids!
WE NEED TO STOP THE EMOJI MOVIE https://t.co/w1nsxysuOF
Do 12 Years a Slave next