Omarosa Manigault-Newman has been on a whirlwind media blitz over the past couple of days in anticipation of her new book release, and it was all the late-night hosts could do to keep up with her.
The former "Apprentice" winner and White House aide's antics, which have already drawn condemnation from the White House and Donald Trump, have included revealing secret recordings of her firing her and Trump saying he had no idea about it, along with wild excerpts from her new memoir, "Unhinged."

Trump Says Mark Burnett Assures Him There Are No 'Apprentice' Tapes of Him Using the N-Word
View StoryOmarosa's ongoing feud with Trump was the single dominant topic across the late-night landscape, with Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah and James Corden all taking a deep dive into her many claims, including allegations that Trump once ate a piece of paper, is definitely racist and that the White House is lying to the American people and covering up his mental decline.
Meanwhile, Trump spent Monday railing against Omarosa via his favorite communication platform, Twitter, leading to even more amusement and bemusement from the late-night comedians.

'Wacky' Omarosa Fires Right Back at Trump's Twitter Taunting: 'I Think It's Sad'
View Story"The Late Show with Stephen Colbert"
With Omarosa the latest White House former staffer to come out with a tell-all book bashing their time in the White House, Stephen Colbert joked, "The White House is basically a reboot of 'The Last Supper: Oops! All Judases.'"
He took notice of Omarosa's claim that she's now heard a tape of Trump using the n-word from his "Apprentice" days, telling "Meet the Press" on Sunday that it gave her definitive proof that he "is truly a racist."
"We didn't know," Colbert said. "Finally, we have proof that the guy who refused to rent to black tenants, said that a Nazi clan rally had some fine people and called Africa a shithole is a racist!"
He also took the press to task for harping on Omarosa's lack of credibility. "Yes, she's a liar and a backstabber with no credibility," he said. "Exactly like everyone else in the Trump administration."

Trump Lashes Out at 'Wacky' Omarosa After She Calls Him 'Dangerous' Puppet in Feisty 'Today' Interview
View Story"The Late Late Show with James Corden"
James Corden couldn't help but agree that Omarosa might have a credibility problem. "Nothing says 'I don't have integrity issues' like recording your boss in the top-secret Situation Room," he noted. Omarosa has come under fire for recording General John Kelly firing her in a meeting that took place in the White House Situation Room.
He had to laugh, though, at Omarosa talking about the White House allegedly covering up that Trump is "mentally declined."
"Come on, we've seen the tweets. He's not fooling anyone, is he?" he asked, before adding, "She's saying he's mentally declined. This begs the question, was Trump ever mentally inclined?"

Omarosa: 'I Was Complicit With This White House Deceiving This Nation'
View Story"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"
Jimmy Fallon figured President Trump was furious upon finding out Omarosa was calling his mental faculties under question, dropping into his Trump impression to act it out, saying, "This book is an outrage and... wait, what were we talking about?"
He then played the recording of Omarosa's firing where she asked if Trump was aware. Kelly could be heard saying that there was no need to go down that road, as he was in charge of staffing. "Turns out any time someone asks, 'Is the president aware of what's going on,' Kelly says, 'Let's not go down that road. It's a dead end,'" Fallon joked.

Omarosa Under Fire for New Book About Trump: CNN Regular Calls This N-Word Allegation 'Flat-Out False'
View Story"Late Night with Seth Meyers"
Seth Meyers wasn't ready to just believe everything Omarosa has written or has been saying about Trump or her time in his administration. But the problem isn't as simple as not believing her, because it only gets even more complicated when she has people like former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen tweeting that Trump didn't eat a piece of paper.
LTo the many dozens of #journalists who called me, questioning @OMAROSA claim in her new book that @POTUS @realDonaldTrump took a note from me, put it in his mouth and ate it...I saw NO such thing and am shocked anyone would take this seriously.
Throwing up a series of pictures of Trump, Omarosa and Cohen, Meyers tried to make sense of the whole thing.
"So now we have one liar [Omarosa] who admits she lied in the past claiming she's telling the truth now about the liar [Trump] she worked for, and a third liar, [Cohen] who's under investigation for lying, who taped the first liar [Trump] to prove he wasn't lying, said the second liar [Omarosa] was lying about the first liar [Trump]," Meyers said. "I'm starting to think either none of this happened or they all at pieces of paper."
Wacky Omarosa, who got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time. She never made it, never will. She begged me for a job, tears in her eyes, I said Ok. People in the White House hated her. She was vicious, but not smart. I would rarely see her but heard....
He then took on Trump's tweet, trying to discredit Omarosa entirely. "You know what made Omarosa look legitimate?" he asked. "Putting her in the White House. You can't hire people to work in the most powerful office in the world, paid by taxpayers and then when they turn on you say, 'That person's a crazy liar and no one should trust them.'"

'BlacKkKlansman' Screenwriter Dismantle's David Duke's 'Anti-White' Beef with the Spike Lee Joint
View Story"The Daily Show with Trevor Noah"
Trevor Noah noticed the vicious attacks coming from Trump and the White House, too. "As usual, when all of Trump's people turn on him, the White House runs it's smear campaign playbook," he said. "They say the person has always been trash.
"With Omarosa, they've dismissed her as a lying publicity hungry reality star who only cares about enriching herself. When Trump heard that, he was like, 'Are you guys looking at my resume?'"
He couldn't take quite as seriously Omarosa claiming that she's only now realized the president was racist. "Omarosa, how can you say that about the president three years after we all said that about the president," he joked.
But his favorite part of the whole story has to be the audio of Trump telling Omarosa he had no idea she'd been fired. Noah wasn't buying that for a second. "For a man who lies as much as Trump, you'd think he'd be better at it," he said.
"I wonder if he did this to people who got fired from 'The Apprentice,'" Noah said. "If he also called them, like, 'Hey Gary, I just saw last night's episode. What happened? What happened? Goddamn it, I didn't know.'"