The R&B singer gets into it with the Olympic medalist, but Lolo Jones does not back down from a fight -- plus, find out which Houseguest threatens to quit.
A new Head of Household flipped the house upside down on "Celebrity Big Brother," so much that Tamra Braxton picked a fight with a new sparring partner, leaving Kandi Burruss alone for once.
It wasn't her first time snapping at Lolo Jones, but hopefully it will be her last because Lolo does not back down from a fight. After Kato Kaelin surprised everyone by winning his second competition in the house and becoming new new HOH, it was information-gathering time.

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View StoryBut while Lolo was trying to share information she'd gathered regarding Dina Lohan with Tamar, the reality star kept interrupting her and finally Lolo had had enough. She absolutely lost her mind, as we've seen on at least one previous occasion.
The problem is that Lolo is as much of a hothead as Tamar, she's just not always on. But when she gets pushed to that breaking point, she comes out swinging and she did not back down even a little bit from Tamar's verbal threats. And this didn't look like reality-show drama, this looked dangerous.
Tamar must have seen it that way, or something else clicked in her, because she started packing up and told Tom Green she wasn't quitting but she was going to leave the house and go home ... which is totally quitting. Did we mention this was all like within a day of Kato's win. He hadn't even picked nominations yet.

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View StoryWhen he finally did, we saw that Tamar interrupting Lolo when she was trying to talk was not an anomaly as she interrupted Kato several times with pithy and dismissive comments to his justifications for putting her on the block. Dina, too, was a little miffed to be nominated, but at least his reasoning for her seems to be based on a misunderstanding, so it's a little understandable.
Tamar is currently -- at least based on tonight's edit -- the most volatile person in the house. She is allowing her mistrust and paranoia to get the best of her and it's bringing out the worst in her, snapping at everybody around her and not listening to anyone.
We hope that the apology moment she shared with Lolo, where Lolo apologized and Tamar accepted her apology but never really apologized back, could be the start of a kinder and gentler Tamar in the house, but getting nominated shortly thereafter will probably give us the exact opposite. At this point, she's making herself a huge target to everyone.

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Ricky Williams continues to play the smartest game going. He's so calm and mellow and helpful and so, so smart in this game. Tonight he used his healing techniques to help Kato with a serious case of constipation and look who happens to be HOH this week. He's close to solidifying an alliance opposite the girls power group, which could make his case even stronger. Grade: A+
Kato Kaelin was an absolute beast this week in that competition. At 59 years old, he's the oldest in the house and he should not have outlasted everyone except for Natalie Eva Marie, but he did. On top of that, he's making strategic deals and he's doing a great job of reading the relationships in the house and getting a sense of where the tide is. His nominations are both safe choices that won't make him any enemies, either. Grade: A
Natalie Eva Marie made a strategic deal for safety with Kato before dropping from the wall and seems to have suffered no fallout from her fractured girls alliance. She is also absolutely staying out of all of the drama that everyone else in her alliance can't seem to resist, making her look pretty appealing as someone to keep around to everyone else out of the four of them. On top of that, she's proven she's a physical threat as well. Grade: B+
Tom Green is a clever player and an underrated threat in this game. He's also strategically aligned with someone who has emerged as a guy to really watch as this game progresses in Kato. More importantly, no one among the more athletic people in the house sees him as a target or a threat, and he and Kato are slowly expanding their ranks to include Ricky and Joey in a loose alliance, and possibly Ryan for the time being. Grade: B
Lolo Jones remains tight in her all-girls alliance and she's mended her relationship with Ryan so she's sitting in a pretty good spot in the house. But her angry outburts when confronted and pushed could be her undoing if she doesn't continue working on them, as she spoke about tonight. Tamar is an instigator, so Lolo needs to learn how not to be instigated. To her advantage, she's a strong physical competitor so she's got a shot at some wins of her own. Grade: B-

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View StoryJoey Lawrence fell into a strange alliance with Ryan this week, but he's also circling Kato and Tom, even if he doesn't know it. The all-girls alliance is fractured and dysfunctional but it is the biggest threat in the game. We know Joey doesn't do alliances, but he'll apparently do strategic deals as they come up. The good news is that no one sees him as a problem yet because he's not aligned. Grade: C+
Kandi Burruss laid very low in this episode and she was right to do so. She was right in the middle of the drama with Tamar last week and found herself on the block. It's time to avoid drama, lay on the charm and the smile and hope everyone forgets how rough of a start she had in the game. She's a very smart woman and gets the strategy of this game, so she just needs to not let people get under her skin and she could be very impressive. Grade: C
Ryan Lochte is in a bit of a tough spot after Jonathan's eviction. He's on the outs with his original alliance, but as a free agent he's a bigger target than potential ally. The guy could possibly run away with almost any competition, which means the best strategy is to take shots at him when you can. And with absolutely no one in his corner right now, and as a possible backdoor target for Kato, it's not looking good for Ryan. Grade: C-
Dina Lohan is on the block because of a misunderstanding, but her defiant tone at the nomination ceremony means she might prove unwilling to clear the air with Kato. She wasn't rooting for Joey over him, or at least it didn't look that way, but she's so indignant about being nominated she's going to just let that stand? The amount of pride some of these people have is absolutely huge. We're not sure what Dina's winning strategy is right now as she seems to just be reacting all the time. Grade: D
Tamar Braxton looked like she might have the ability to run this house and take the whole thing. She's very smart and very perceptive, but she's also paranoid, vindictive, petty and absolutely unable to control her temper, which is attached to a very short fuse. Tamar always seems ready to fight and in a game so built on building relationships and trust, she's way too busy tearing hers down and again seems to fall victim to her own sense of pride. Grade: D-

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"Jonathan was in "Mean Girls." Lindsay Lohan was in "Mean Girls." That was like umpteen-thousand years ago. They've been friends forever. Of course she's going to keep him in the house." Tamar (totally understanding Dina not voting for Jonathan to go)
"My only hope is if Joey wins this HOH, 'cause no one else is really working with me." Ryan
"Did Dina just punk me right there?" Natalie (after Dina rebuffed her hug attempt)"Yeah, you just got punked by a 52-year-old woman." Lolo
"Actually it's not so bad when you do that." Tom (hanging after half-falling off the wall)
"Tamar is so dramatic. She is like two steps off the ground talking about, 'Oh I can't take it!' It was like one of those people who like think they're drowning and they're in the shallow water and they could have stood up the whole time." Kandi (after Tamar freaks out up on the wall)
"Joey, drop and I'll protect you." Kato"No, everyone stay, everyone. Everyone stay. No one drop." Dina"Oh, that told me a lot right there." Kato (no longer trusting Dina)
"Nat, take a fall. You're protected. No joke." Kato (negotiating with Natalie, the last on the wall with him)
"Ryan makes a tempting offer, but he is the biggest threat in the house. If I can take him out here, I just might do it." Kato (after Ryan tells him about girls alliance)
"I thought we was in an alliance. What happened? Natalie seems safe and I know I'm in trouble at this point. I'm like, 'Man these girls done sold me up the doggone river." Tamar
"Ricky, please.""You're hilarious, Kato." (after not laughing at any of his jokes)
"Tamar is messy and I just want to do something about it. And you know what? I'm HOH. I can." Kato (we've seen worse reasons to nominate someone)
"I feel like she feels like I'm cheating on her. Hey, we're not even dating yet." Lolo (frustrated with Tamar's trust issues)
"What do you mean if she's lying, I'm telling you she's lying." Tamar (chooses to fight every battle)
"I've had growing frustration with Tamra because every day Tamar is mad with somebody in the room and I'm starting to feel like a punching bag. It's exhausting." Lolo
"I'm telling you right now I have always had your back, but I can't take your shit every day." Lolo"I have my back. You don't have to have my back. I'm a big girl." Tamar"Bitch." Lolo"Bitch? Bitch! Did you say bitch?""I'm right here. I'm right here."
'I'm very calm." Tamar"Are you moving rooms?" Tom"No, I'm moving out.""What do you mean?""I'm not moving rooms. I'm going home. I don't fight people.""What, are you quitting?""I don't quit. I don't do that."Mmm-hmm."
"Big Brother" continues this week with new episodes Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.
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