"This is not how television works... TV shows are not fan service."
Lili Reinhart thinks "Game of Thrones" fans need to pipe down.
The "Riverdale" star waded into the heated debate over the HBO show on Thursday night, by lashing out at the almost 1million fans who have signed a petition to have the final season remade.
"This is not how television works... TV shows are not fan service," she wrote on Instagram. "It's ridiculous of people to think they can demand creative change from artists."
Her viewpoint didn't go down too well, as followers pointed out that "Riverdale" is nothing but fan service.

Petition to Remake Final Season of 'Game of Thrones' with Competent Writers About to Hit Target 500K Signatures
View Story"It's funny bc riverdale is 100% just fan service,' one jibed. "'TV shows are not a fan service' but like...they literally are?," another elegantly explained.
"Riverdale has so much fan service! Like characters using couple names that fans gave them... bughead, choni.. that's fan service," a third pointed out.
Some even made the point that reaction to the recent "Sonic The Hedgehog" trailer caused the director to immediately call for a redesign of the admittedly-creepy video game hero.
"If creative change demand actually worked there would never have been riverdale season 3," shaded another.
Indeed "Riverdale"'s third season introduced a fantasy element of its own rivaling GOT's dragons and giants, with the board game Gryphons and Gargoyles.
On Friday, the Change.org petition to redo GOT S8 "with competent writers" surpassed its target of 500,000 signatures, and set a new target of 1million, which it is also steadily creeping towards; at time of writing more than 835,000 people had signed.
Having waited an extra year for the truncated season 8, many followers of the show have been left with the taste of ashes in their mouths, much like any unlikely survivors of Daenerys' dragon rampage in King's Landing.
Last Sunday's penultimate episode saw Dany do a complete 180 on a lifetime of protecting the innocent and fighting tyrants and freeing slaves, as she decided to incinerate the city she had just taken, killing countless.

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View StoryHer arc concluding in the apparent madness that plagues her incest-friendly family is not what has most fans upset per se; rather the hurried fashion in which it has been presented, as the showrunners attempt to wrap up its many complex storylines in a mere six episodes.
"David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers when they have no source material (i.e. the books) to fall back on," the petition declares. "This series deserves a final season that makes sense. Subvert my expectations and make it happen, HBO!"
Hundreds of thousands it seems agreed with petition starter Dylan D. adding their names to the list demanding an unlikely do-over.
"I understand it's GOT but don't trash 8 yrs of character building for what they think will shock and awe us. It sucks," one wrote.

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View Story"You put us through 8 years of character development only to have it all destroyed in one episode," wrote another.
"The directors have not given any thought to completing character arcs, fulfilling prophecies, or explaining mysteries that have been foreshadowed for years. This is the greatest spectacle on television for a decade, and I can't see it go down in flames like it is. Remake it," added a third.
"I don't even care to watch the last episode. The last 8 seasons have been ruined. As a loyal fan that tells anybody or everybody they HAVE to see at least episode 1, I'm thoroughly disappointed. RIP GOT," lamented a fourth.
"I don't want these two anywhere near Star Wars, either. This was abysmal," another signatory wrote, alluding to the fact the once-revered showrunners have recently been confirmed to helm a new Star Wars spin-off.
There is still one episode to go for the writers to "stick the landing" — but it seems a significant portion of the fanbase will not be holding its breath.