Noting the two have "one of the worst best relationships ever," this interview was all over the place.
Leave it to Wendy Williams to always go there with her guests.
On Wednesday's episode of her talk show, Williams welcomed Tyrese Gibson to talk about his new movie "Black and Blue." What he ended up fielding questions about instead, however, was his weight, custody war with his ex-wife and notorious feud with "Fast & Furious" costar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

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View StoryRight as he sat down, Williams noted that the two have "one of the best worst relationships ever," adding that they've "been through it over the years" but have matured past whatever differences they've had. Gibson conceded that Williams was just doing her job when it came to talking about him on her show, saying, "you gotta report the stuff, I love you."
After talking about his wife of two years and their one-year-old daughter, Williams flat out asked, "Have you gained a few pounds?" When Gibson revealed that he had, Wendy said "Me too," before asking if it was "for a role or you just eating?"
"I'm just grown," he told her. "I'm 40. When you're 40, you're not out here trying to shoot music videos showing everything you used to show. That's for the youngsters. Let them get all that out their systems!"

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View StoryWilliams then moved onto some juicier topics, asking Gibson about his contentious custody war with ex-wife Norma over their daughter Shayla. The two welcomed their daughter in 2007 and, according to Gibson, were married for less than a year.
When asked how much he paid her in child support, Tyrese said, "I don't wanna get into that. It's a lot." Noting that she was going through "some mess" of her own with ex Kevin Hunter, Wendy then asked why Tyrese and Norma were still fighting, believing it's in the child's best interest to get along.
"Here's the thing. The general way to speak on it, I can't go into too many particulars. When you have a child and then there's a situation where there might be conflict, you have your approach to raising a child and they have theirs and sometimes you're far from being on the same page," said Gibson. "I was married to this woman 12 years ago, we were married for less than a year."
"Sometimes you get married, sometimes marriages last as long as yours did and then it gets to a place, sometimes it happens faster," he continued. "No one wakes up everyday going where is pain, where is trauma, where is conflict and I wanna stay in it. You could be with someone for a really long time, and then when you finally get married you realize that it was not the right thing to do. I was with her for at least eight years."
"It would just seem to me 50/50 custody would be the right thing," Williams said, before transitioning to another touchy subject.
"Now you and The Rock..." she began, before Gibson visibly reacted to the question. "You don't want to talk about The Rock?" she asked. "I do not. If you want to know how I feel about that man, it's all over the Internet," he said, "Have fun!
She then asked her producer to do some Googling to find out how the two actors, who have a long history of talking smack about the other on social media, got along filming the upcoming ninth "Fast & Furious" movie. "He's not in 9," said Tyrese, "So anyway!"
"I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask you," said Wendy. "And I always tell you guys, when people come on the show, I'm gonna ask everything, but you always have the right to say no comment, I respect that."
The two then talked briefly about "Black and Blue," which hits theaters this weekend.