Uber was swift to respond to Tana's story.
Uber was left very concerned after Tana Mongeau claimed she was recently "almost killed" by a driver she thought worked for the app after leaving her ex Bella Thorne's house.
In a very lengthy "storytime" video posted to her YouTube channel Monday, the influencer began by explaining how she's had "so many bad" Uber experiences. "I have like PTSD from them," she said.

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View StoryAccording to Tana, Bella's house is "so so so so far in the hills" that drivers often find it's "not worth" the money to drive the entire way up to the house. After her night hanging out with her ex and her friends, Tana called an Uber to go home. After multiple canceled rides a black Uber SUV accepted.
Things supposedly took a turn when Tana and her friend, Imari, encountered the apparent Uber driver.
"His voice ... think like 6 foot tall like white like school teacher but like murderer rapist on the side white ... like I have big glasses ... like voice," Tana claimed in the video.
Tana said that while she considered the driver to be creepy -- and she would normally cancel her ride -- in this situation it was late and she just wanted to go home. However, before getting in the car, she wanted to make sure the license plate matched the Uber driver's shown on the app. It didn't. In most cases, Tana said she wouldn't get into the car if the plates weren't the same -- but again, she really wanted to go home.
"I look back at the license plate and I realize it's not the same as the app," she recalled. "I walk back around to the car and I'm standing at the door and I'm like, 'Wait, but your license plate isn't the same' and I kind of say this with attitude because he was being like rude as f--k to me."
While Tana and the driver began, in her words, "rudely dialecting" a Lyft arrived, which Tana believed she had canceled, but didn't. Tana and Imari still decided to get in the driver's car despite it not matching what the Uber app showed.
"I realized I could have just got in the other Lyft, but there was something about him that was so angry and scary that I felt like if I canceled he would be even angrier with me, which I realized is like a dumb thing to do," she explained.
As the ride began, Imari asked the driver for the aux cord. The volume was at a low level, so Imari asked him to turn it up. According to Tana, the driver seemed irritated but turned up the volume. At this point, Tana and her friend were absolutely terrified, so Tana tried to be extra nice to the driver.
"'Please thank you so much, sir,'" she recalled telling the driver. "'We're so sorry for inconveniencing you.' [I said that] the whole time. The whole time there's a conversation about this f--king cord...I'm just sucking farts so I don't get f--king murdered."
While they were driving through "the forest," Tana received a text from her friend who watched her get in the driver's car at Bella's house. Her friend described it as the "scariest interaction I've ever seen someone have with an Uber driver." The moment she received that text, Tana lost cellphone service.

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View StoryThe car reached a three-way stop on a dirt road. The driver then asked Tana and Imari if he's supposed to go "straight, right or left." Since there was no cell phone service, they were lost. Tana recalled how the driver pointed out the lack of service.
"I could've gotten out and ran but like it would have been like a 30-minute hike to Bella's," she said. "I don't know how to get there. We're in the middle of the forest. I have no cell phone service."
"'I think it's left,'" Tana said Imari told the driver. "And then he goes right!"
"Imagine. You're in this car with this 'Lovely Bones'-ass dominating [man]," she explained. "He's like so tall too that he's like taller than the driver's seat so you just see like his white man like shoulders but I have no idea what his face looks like."
"He could have easily killed us there and gotten away with it," she added.
Tana, who recalled having a "full-blown panic attack" at that point, looked at her maps when her service returned. She realized the driver was heading toward Calabasas, which was the opposite direction from her house. Her husband Jake Paul lives there, but it was so late/early she claimed she didn't want to bother him.

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View StoryAccording to Tana, the driver was "purposefully missing" freeway exits and she noticed he was "fully ignoring" his navigation. At one point, he was driving with his elbows so he could clean a bottle. Tana said this made her think of the M. Night Shyamalan movie "Split" and she was convinced it was a bottle of chloroform.
As Tana and Imari were scared for their lives, Tana panicked and tried to make up a story about her period. She told the driver that she needed to stop to get feminine products.
While on the freeway, Tana noticed a gas station off the onramp and told the driver to pull over. Tana expressed how she was prepared to jump out at this point. At the Shell station, Tana and Imari got out of the car and the Uber drove away.
The pair then walked up to the gas station's market and learned it was "closed for a shift change." And then... the Uber driver started driving back toward them.
Tana said she and Imari then went and hid behind the gas station. Tana called a new Uber, who came and picked them up. If you're wondering, the license plate was indeed a match. The driver was a "super nice guy," according to Tana.
"I'm not overdramatic," she said. "Imari and I obviously talk about [the first driver] the whole ride home. We're just cooking this guy from being a 'Lovely Bones'-ass, creepy-ass, angry f--king, giant white dude who was gonna kill us."
"We were drunk and like high, you know, so maybe we were being overdramatic," she concluded.
At the end of her video, Tana recalled going to Best Buy the next day where she ran into another creepy man, who she said she's "99 percent sure" was the Uber driver from the night before.
After she posted the video on her Twitter account Monday, Uber Support account replied.
"We take this very seriously, @tanamongeau," the account tweeted. "Please send us a DM with the phone number associated with your account as well as more information regarding your concern, so we can assist you further."
TooFab has reached out to both Tana and Uber but has yet to hear back.
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