Police are still frantically searching for the week-old child.
UPDATE 3:27PM 1/29/2019:
Ernesto Caballeiro has been found dead. His one-week-old son Andrew Caballeiro is still missing.
The 49-year-old's body was discovered by police in Pasco Country following a manhunt, WFLA reported.
After receiving a tip-off regarding the vehicle he disappeared in, police found it parked in a large wooded area. Scrambling a K9 unit, they then discovered the body of Ernesto Caballeiro 50 yards from the van. He had suffered a single round self-inflicted gunshot wound from a rifle, officers said.
Police found a pacifier in the van, but could find no other signs of the child. There was no child car seat.
"After we swabbed it for forensics we did a search, we had the bloodhounds out there searching -- the bloodhounds hit nothing," Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said at a press briefing. "There was no indication the child was in the area."
"Our K9 unit is out there, our volunteer K9, the posse unit is out there, the Jeep unit is out there, as many people as we can are out there right now searching as we have daylight."
Sheriff Nocco also revealed a witness reported a blonde woman spotted sitting in the van. "I sit here and pray to God that that is true, and that she has the baby."
"If that is a true fact and that woman is out there: please come forward. I promise you that all we care about is that little Andrew is okay."
Original story below 8:30AM 1/29/2019:
Police are hunting for a missing father and his newborn son following a triple homicide in Florida.
Miami-Dade Police issued an AMBER alert for 49-year-old Ernesto Caballeiro and his one-week-old son Andrew Caballeiro, who live at the home where the three victims were found on Tuesday afternoon.
Officers descended on the home on Southwest 187th Avenue around 4:45 P.M. after receiving a 911 call from a family member. The relative had tried calling the home but couldn't get a response; when they showed up in person they made the grim discovery.

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View StoryAll three victims were adult women, who had suffered gunshot wounds; police did not say if or how the three were related to each other. Ernesto Caballeiro is related to at least one of the deceased women.
Ernesto is described as having black hair, brown eyes, stands 5' 7" tall and weighs 240 pounds.
He is believed to be driving a 2001 White Chevy Express, with the Florida license plate HETY13, with decals reading "Nesty School Services" and "Caution: Transporting Children" on the back left door.

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View StoryAuthorities warned "DO NOT APPROACH", asking citizens to call Miami Dade PD instead if they see him.
"Ernesto Caballero, he's related to the one or all three of the victims inside the house," Miami-Dade police Detective Lee Cowart said.
"We're asking the assistance of the community to locate him and his newborn infant child, so he's not at the residence, and we're attempting to locate him. He is just not at the scene, and he should be here at the residence."
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