Justin Timberlake and George Clooney also popped in for the holiday special.
John Krasinski brought back his web series after a seven-month hiatus to share some much-needed good news and holiday cheer.
On Sunday night, the actor dropped a surprise episode of his YouTube series "Some Good News." During the holiday-themed episode, which will likely make you cry, Krasinski enlisted some help from a few celebrity friends, including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson -- AKA "Dwanta Claus" -- as well as George Clooney and Justin Timberlake. And Johnson, in particular, teamed up with Krasinski to save Christmas for a widowed father of two.

John Krasinski Defends Selling Some Good News, Says He'll Still 'Host a Couple' of Episodes
View StoryAfter highlighting some good news -- including a makeshift hospital wedding in a cancer ward, a celebrity jewelry designer buying a homeless woman an apartment and FedEx planes and trucks heading out to deliver the first shipments of the coronavirus vaccine -- Krasinski introduced a man named, Jay Abel, a single father of two, who lost his wife three years ago.
In order to make his Christmas special for his two kids, Abel tried to sell a bunch of comic book collector's items on eBay. Abel also added that he'd been struggling to find a part-time job during the pandemic.
Bringing Abel onto a Zoom call, Krasinski praised the widowed dad in his efforts to make sure his children had a great Christmas, telling him, "Your story is my favorite of the holiday season. It's like superdad stuff."
In a hilarious twist, Krasinski then explained how he had tried and failed to buy all of Abel's items off of eBay. It didn't work out as Abel thought Krasinski's newly-created accounts weren't legitimate. However, Abel had reached out to Johnson on Twitter in the hope that the wrestler-turned-actor would simply retweet his eBay page to boost sales.
Krasinski then surprised Abel by bringing Johnson into the call, with the star dressed in head-to-toe Dwanta Claus attire. After hearing Abel's story, Johnson told the single father to take all of his items off of eBay as he'd be handling Abel's kids' Christmas lists.
"Here's what I want you to do. Take all of your stuff off of eBay because Dwanta Claus is going to take care of all of that stuff, man," Johnson told Abel, who lit up as he expressed his gratitude.
But Johnson took it a step further, inviting Abel and his family to the set of "Black Adam," the actor's upcoming DC film. And since Abel has a love for comic book memorabilia, Johnson said he'd give Abel his "Black Adam" script, which he vowed to bind and sign, after shooting wraps.
"You deserve it all, man. Your story is an inspiration. You are an inspiration," Johnson told Abel. "You are what the holidays are all about. You embody the spirit. And I feel very confident I can speak for my friend John here in that, you know, the true measure of a man and true measure of a human being truly is always what's in their heart. Always what's deep down in their heart, and their mana."
Johnson also revealed that he and Krasinski teamed up with FedEx, who donated $5 million to Toys for Tots in Abel's name.
Meanwhile, earlier in the "Some Good News" episode, Timberlake and Clooney both made brief, yet memorable cameos. Timberlake popped in after Krasinski shared some fan art that featured a drawing of himself looking a lot like the singer, while Clooney was brought in to give an update on the weather.
Watch it all go down in the clip, above!