Sharing an old childhood photo, the former "It Girl" of the family revealed the procedures her younger sister underwent -- to the resounding disapproval of the internet.
A woman set the internet ablaze after she sought advice following a spat with her older sister.
The tale, which featured an "ugly duckling" transformation and the hot popular girl in high school getting her comeuppance tropes, sparked serious debate on Reddit concerning both its veracity and morality.
Read on to see for yourself how this whole thing played out -- and the biggest points of concern for the AITA [am I the a--hole] community.

I Told My Sister to Stop Saying I Have Pretty Privilege and It's Her Fault She Looks Ugly: Am I The A--hole?
View StoryAITA for telling my sister she is no longer the ‘’it girl’’?
"So I (25F) have a sister (30F). We are from a small town where everyone knows each other. When we were younger she was the it girl of our town. She was really pretty, social, well liked by everyone in general," OP [original poster] began.
"I was the opposite. I looked like Dobby from Harry Potter. I was extremely skinny, had crooked teeth, frizzy hair and a huge nose. Really grotesque to look at in general."
I gained weight, got a hair care routine got a nose job and got braces. Now I look 7 out of 10.
"When people saw us together they would get really surprised. They would often ask us whether we have the same dad or not. On top of that I always felt like my sister was ashamed of me. She never wanted to take me anywhere or wouldn’t like being seen with me. She even told me it’s because people ask her questions about me. The thing that really annoyed me was when her friends would make fun of me. They would often call me the little goblin and my sister never stick [up] for me," she explained.
"Anyways since I knew from a young age people wouldn't like me for my looks I always worked on my grades. I went to a good university. Then I worked on my looks, I gained weight, got a hair care routine got a nose job and got braces. Now I look 7 out of 10."
"My sister's life on the other hand didn't go as well. She went to university dropped out, got married and got divorced and moved back at home and works in a market. She also gained a lot of weight because of stress," she continued.
"This summer she called me asking whether she could come stay with me and my fiancé for a while. She told me she cannot live with my mom anymore and there is nothing to do in our small town. I agreed and she started living with us."
This, however, is when the tale took a turn.
The other day we were out with my friends and she did that again. But she also showed the most unflattering childhood picture of me and people started laughing. I don’t know what happened but I started seeing red.
"The issue is, whenever she gets the chance she talks about our past. She says how much I changed myself and tells everyone my looks weren't always 'great'. The other day we were out with my friends and she did that again. But she also showed the most unflattering childhood picture of me and people started laughing. I don't know what happened but I started seeing red. I told her she also looks really different now like 40 pounds heavier. She is also no longer the it girl so she should stop acting that way. She is the girl who lives with her sister's house rent free and tries to embarrass her."
"We are currently not talking. So Reddit AITA?"
She then added an update after receiving a tremendous response on the forum.
"EDIT: as some of you have guessed it, I don't really talk about my braces and my nose job with other people. It's not something I hide, I just don't randomly bring it up saying I've got this and this done. I think that's why my friends were surprised."

Girl Whose Family Is Accused of 'Emotional Incest' Asks Internet to Decide
View StoryNot Another Teen Movie! And Other Reddit Reactions
While some were suspicious of the veracity of the post as they noted how the narrative so perfectly fit certain media tropes -- as well as how rarely women rate themselves on a scale of 1-10 -- overall OP received a tremendous amount of support from the Reddit community.
"There's no narrative the internet eats up more than the 'in high school they were popular and I was the ugly duckling nerd, but now I'm a beautiful swan and they became ugly and now I have the power' thing we have here," one doubting Thomas noted.
While another echoed just how irresistible it was: "I swear everything about this story is like catnip to the AITA crowd. So many people who grew up awkward and unpopular have this exact fantasy, where the mean pretty person becomes ugly and the kind ugly person becomes pretty and then the mean person has to pay for what they did!!!!"
There's no narrative the internet eats up more than the 'in high school they were popular and I was the ugly duckling nerd, but now I’m a beautiful swan and they became ugly and now I have the power' thing we have here.
"The internet loves when hot people 'peak in high school' then [become] 'washed up' but the truth is most pretty people become pretty adults and continue to benefit from the same advantages they got in high school," they continued.
This comment, however, elicited a response from OP, who clarified: "The thing is my sister is not ugly now. She is still very pretty but just chubbier."
As previously noted, there was a far greater majority that not only placed their faith in the reliability of the narrator, but supported her.
Such as this Redditor, who commented: "There is a lifetime of resentment wrapped in this relationship. She didn't support you during your ugly duckling years because she thought her star would always burn brightly. She enjoyed the comparison when you were younger because she was clearly the winner. For several years, she has probably been the loser in those comparisons. If it was a small town, everyone is aware how well you are doing and her poor life choices. If she worked in a market, she is right out in the open to everyone's judgment. I don't say this to excuse what she did. She was in the wrong and you were NTA [note the a--hole] to turn the tables."
"However, she is your sister. You have two choices: low or no contact, or try to repair your relationship. Regardless of the choice, I don't foresee a harmonious household as long as she is living in your home. I wouldn't kick her out on the street, but I would sit down with her and let her know she has 30 days to find another situation," they advised. "She may not be able to understand how you felt when she put you up for ridicule again, but it may be worth it to try and discuss it if you want to have any kind of relationship in the future."
The thing is my sister is not ugly now. She is still very pretty but just chubbier.
To which OP replied: "Thank you for this. I also feel like now that I'm doing better than her she is getting insecure. In the past she gave me loads of makeovers and tips to have better conversations with people. She did help me out. I also wanted to help her out with the living situation. I take her out with me when I’m meeting with my friends, and we do lots of triple date nights with her, me and my fiancé. I feel like it is helping her out massively. That's why I don’t want to kick her out."
OP also felt compelled in the comments to defend her sister, writing: "To clear some of the stuff, my sister never bullied me. She just never [stuck up] for me either. She was also a kid herself when these things happened so I don’t really blame her. That being said she also gave me lots of makeovers to help me out with my looks. So she is not pure evil guys. She was also a kid trying to fit in. Me and my fiancé are also well off so I'm not going to charge my sister rent who is financially struggling."
But even among those that believed the tale, there was not complete harmony in who was the a--hole.

Woman Calls BS On Sister-In-Law's 'Service Dog' - Internet Agrees
View Story"I'm gonna say ESH [Everyone Sucks Here]," one Redditor wrote. "I feel like more context is needed in how she says these things. Does she linger on past descriptions of you? Or does it sound more like 'look how far she's come!' My siblings do the latter with me: of course there was communication around my feelings and their intentions which I feel is needed here."
"She does little bit of both I think," OP admitted in reply.
Which got the Redditor to further add: "Considering she does both I don't believe she has good intentions when she says 'look how far she's come' it feels like a passive aggressive way to remind you of the past. I also would never let anyone bully my little sister. That is ugly ugly behaviour. Just tell her to leave. You don't owe her anything and she is bringing you down."
Another Redditor wrote: "You guys both sound insanely unhealthy and competitive. This isn’t a normal sibling dynamic in adulthood. It seems living together is toxic. She needs to go her own way, it’s not your job to support her. You need therapy to work through your anger and resentment (for yourself because you deserve to let that go.)"
To which, OP replied: "I have let everything go. I don’t look back to past and think about those days. That being said getting reminded how ugly you were would make everyone uncomfortable."
What do you think?