The actress called the criticism "sexist and homophobic," while Colbert joked that Stewart "look[s] better in a jockstrap than I ever did."
Kristen Stewart is addressing backlash over her Rolling Stone magazine cover.
While appearing on Tuesday's episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the actress weighed in on the controversy, sharing why she believes the cover "upset a lot of people."
As shown in February 2024 cover, below, Stewart, 33, wears a black, leather vest, a white jockstrap, and nothing else. She poses for the photo with her hand inside the jockstrap.
Before Colbert showed the cover to his studio audience and viewers, he shared that CBS asked him not to, claiming the network said it wasn't "a good idea."
"Now before I show this cover, I just want you to know and the audience to know that I think it's a perfectly lovely cover," Colbert said. "We were asked by CBS not to show it. They thought that would be not a good idea for us to show this, and I don't understand why."
Despite the network's request, the late-night host showed the magazine cover anyway.
"There's the cover, right there," he said, jokingly adding, "I want to say that you look better in a jockstrap than I ever did."
When asked why she believes the shot sparked outrage online, Stewart said, "Well, it's a little ironic because I feel like I've seen a lot of male pubic hair on the cover of things. I've seen a lot of hands in pants and unbuttoned ..."
"I think there's a certain overt acknowledgment of a female sexuality that has its own volition in a way that is annoying for people who are sexist and homophobic," she added.
Colbert then noted that he's "certainly seen more revealing covers on Rolling Stone or Sports Illustrated for that matter," to which Stewart replied, "It's not remotely explicit."
"I think it also violates public expectations of female sexuality as opposed to how you’re presenting it here," Colbert said.
The Love Lies Bleeding star said she agreed with comedian, before adding, "Female sexuality isn't supposed to actually want anything but to be had. And that feels like it's protruding in a way that might be annoying. But f--k you!"
Colbert shook her hand, and then started to continue on. However, Stewart hilariously threw in a little jab at the haters. "But I never will!" she said, continuing her "f--k you" comment.
Colbert laughed, telling her, "I think that's why they're mad at you!"
Check out the conversation in the clip, above.