Holiday shopping can be stressful--especially when looking for the guy who seems to have everything. To help ease the pain of searching high and low for the perfect gift, we've handpicked 5 items that we hope will put a smile on your favorite fella's face!
As a special thanks for our toofab fans, we're giving away one item from our holiday gift guide every day for the next 25 days.
Today's prize:
Action Cam - $128

Document your adventures with this action camera. It comes complete with a waterproof case and sports mounting kit! Shoots HD digital video (720p) with the 5.0 megapixel camera. Has color screen/color display and 4x zoom along with a rechargeable battery. Compatible with PC/MAC and complete with a built-in MIC, micro SC Card slot and USB (Available at Macys).
Simply follow the instructions below for your chance to win.
2. In 140 characters or less, tweet us with the hashtag #toofabwinnerDay24 and tell us why you deserve to win. For example: @toofab, i want to be the #toofabwinnerday24 because i love your site! *Check toofab to see which item we're giving away that day!
You must include @toofab and #toofabwinnerDay24 in your tweet to qualify.
It's that easy!
Be as serious or as funny as you want -- just be sure to follow @toofab on Twitter so we can contact you via Direct Message if you win! One entry per Twitter handle only -- multiple entries will be discarded.
This contest begins on November 25, 2013 and ends on December 27, 2013.
We'll select a winner at random from all of the tweets containing #toofabwinner on each week day between November 25 - December 27. Chance of winning depends on the number of entries. The winner will receive one of the items listed above.
Note: We can't guarantee that winners will receive their prizes by Dec. 25th.