Right after Donald Trump was elected, Dave Chappelle returned to comedy hosting "Saturday Night Live" and gave his fans a cathartic message of hope about our new president.
Now it sounds like Chappelle's regretting his previous optimism just a bit.
Chappelle offered a wry apology for his SNL monologue during a charity dinner on Monday, according to "Morning Joe" co-host Willie Geist who was also at the event.
"I was the first guy on TV to say 'Give Trump a chance,'" Chappelle said during his standup routine for the nonprofit Robin Hood organization. "I f---ed up. Sorry."
Dave Chappelle tonight in NY on his November SNL monologue: "I was the first guy on TV to say 'Give Trump a chance.' I f***ed up. Sorry."
While the White House grapples with the latest round of self-inflicted scandals, including Trump's firing of FBI director James Comey and reports from the Washington Post that Trump disclosed highly classified information to the Russians, Chappelle seems to have made up his mind about what kind of presidency this will be.

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View StoryDuring his SNL monologue last November, Chappelle took plenty of shots at the racially divisive Trump campaign ("Haven't seen white people this mad since the O.J. verdict"), but he also ended with a moving story about going to the White House for the first time when Obama was president, attending a party sponsored by BET.
"Everyone there was black, and it was beautiful," he said. "I'm from Washington, so I saw the bus stop, or the corner where the bus stop used to be where I used to catch the bus to school, and dream about nights like tonight."
He continued, "I'm not sure if this is true, but to my knowledge, the first black person that was officially invited to the White House was Frederick Douglass. They stopped him at the gates, and Abraham Lincoln had to walk out himself and escort Frederick Douglass into the White House. And it didn't happen again, as far as I know, until Roosevelt was president."
The event made him feel hopeful and proud to be an American, he said. "So in that spirit, I'm wishing Donald Trump luck, and I'm going to give him a chance. And we the historically disenfranchised demand that he give us one too."