Did you ever think you'd see the day a Miss America contestant would scold the President of the United States?
Well, that day was Sunday, and it was courtesy of Miss Texas Margana Wood.
"I think that the white supremacist issue -- it was very obvious that it was a terrorist attack -- and I think that President Donald Trump should have made a statement earlier addressing the fact and making sure that all Americans feel safe in this country," Wood said Sunday night during the Q&A portion of the evening. "That is the No. 1 issue right now."
.@MissAmericaTX is up next and she will be answering a question from @MrJessCagle. #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/WbSBx3c5Ul

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View StoryWood's bold statement took only 15 of the allotted 20 seconds she was given, and elicited a round of applause from the audience.
Some people are even arguing that the question itself sent a message to Trump, simply by including the terms "neo-Nazi" and "white supremacists."
"Last month a demonstration of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK in Charlottesville turned violent and a counter-protester was killed," judge and magazine editor Jess Cagle said to Wood. "The president said there was shared blame with 'very fine people on both sides.' Were there? Tell me yes or no, and explain."
Miss Texas may not have won Miss America last night, but she won over millions of Americans. See the Twitter party that ensued below.
Miss Texas--a white woman--showed more integrity in 20 seconds than Trump has known all his life.#MissAmerica
Homegirl just called white supremacists TERRORISTS 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/JGYuRQuEgF
When Miss Texas gives a more concise answer about Charlottesville than the President... #MissAmerica https://t.co/bpCWiEZ8Wh
Miss Texas just called the Neo-Nazis and white supremacist in Charlottesville terrorist.
Hell yeah 🇺🇸 #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/lCvxP6kcao
Miss Texas wasn't playing #MissAmerica 👏👏 pic.twitter.com/BEapqu7ga6
Miss Texas called white supremacists TERRORISTS on national tv without hesitation and I'm so proud! #MissAmerica pic.twitter.com/CR8bMbkb5t
#MissTEXAS speaking up on white supremacy & how Trump didn't speak up on it fast enough 👏🏽
Dreading Trump's tweets against #MissTexas for her answer to a #MissAmerica question. On 9/11. During multiple natural disasters in the US. pic.twitter.com/bYQg2R9Zjy
Shout out to #MissTexas on taking @Potus to school on #Charlottesville
HOLY DAMN!! -- Don't let the accent fool ya, #MissTexas just laid a truth bomb on Trump! -- #yougogirl ! 👍👍👍 https://t.co/ljM1tYgd8K
No, #MissTexas won. https://t.co/MLoWuXV3Kt
Okay!! #MissTexas 👏🏽 pic.twitter.com/4N3LwKJOAJ
Woah. I'm digging this new awareness #MissAmerica question session. #RESIST #MissTexas https://t.co/iyTXPnp1oz
This answer from #MissTexas (TEXAS!!) at the Miss America pageant stunned tonight. In the best possible way ... 1/ https://t.co/yY8Uhp3Qy1
Wow. #MissTexas for the best answer ever at a #MissAmerica pageant. https://t.co/oq2iQXg8UK
#MissTexas doesn't throw shade, she slays. https://t.co/s7W1Qy9xqN
First, credit to my friend and bossman @MrJessCagle of People Magazine. He asked a bold, question. #MissTexas gave a bold answer back.
#MissTexas did us proud tonight, ya'll. 👑#MissAmerica @MissAmericaTX
I would've given her the crown right there & then #MissTexas #MissAmerica #ImpeachTrump https://t.co/gnyzzW86Yo