Luke Cage may be bulletproof, but that doesn't mean he's invulnerable.
The Marvel superhero and protector of Harlem gets the crap beaten out of him by a new villain, Wishmaster, in the first trailer for Season 2 of the Netflix series.

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View Story"Anyone that can take you on barehanded can't be good for Harlem," Harlem resident Bobby Fish (Ron Cephas-Jones) tells Cage (Mike Colter) after a video of the mysterious new foe literally kicking the crap out the Defender goes viral. Even ESPN catches wind of it!
Fortunately, Cage has a potential new sidekick to help him out, even if he doesn't want one. The trailer also shows Misty Knight (Simone Missick) and her bionic arm in action after the limb got sliced off by Hand villain Bakuto (Ramón Rodríguez) in "Marvel's The Defenders."
"Just so we're clear, I'm not in the market for a, uh, sidekick," Luke tells Misty, who fires back, "Who says you're not my sidekick?"
His response is pretty much perfect and very "Deadpool"-esque.