James Corden was not happy to be the "ugly" star alongside Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin in a "Late Late Show" parody of classic Western "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."
"I am not the ugly one," Corden protested after a deep trailer voice identified him as the ugly cowboy in the mix as the trio were about to have a good ol' fashioned shootout. "I'm the one who's good... I'm a loving father and husband, I'm active in my community, I give to charity."

'Deadpool 2' Stars Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin Insult Each Other for 5 Minutes Straight Over Careers, Smell and Penis Size
View Story"Deadpool 2" stars Reynolds and Brolin disagreed. "Oh no, you're uglier than me," Brolin said.
Reynolds, the "good" guy, reassured the CBS late-night host, "He's not saying you're ugly, he's just saying you're uglier."
"What about you? Maybe you're the ugly one," Corden asked Reynolds, who immediately called B.S. after having a good laugh with Brolin.
"I mean, c'mon man, do I even need to say it?" Reynolds said. Brolin added, "He lights up the room. He's God's perfect little snickerdoodle."
But compromise ultimately won out. See how they resolved the situation in the hilarious sketch above.
"Deadpool 2" is currently in theaters.