Stephen Colbert has been paying close attention to Donald Trump's real fixer, Kellyanne Conway, and the words she chooses to describe his policies. With her penchant for rhyming, Colbert prepped a few verses in response.
However you want to say it, and however you want to interpret it, there's no denying that Conway has taken to dropping rhymes during her myriad television appearances. Colbert played a clip of the president's Counselor spitting lines like "snark and bark," "junk and bunk," and our favorite, "the Russian collusion delusion illusion."

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View StoryThat's some artful wordplay, and Colbert was impressed, but he was also fired up. "She's spitting bars faster than Mueller can put people behind them," he joked. "If Kellyanne thinks that simple repetitive rhymes are the best way to get a message across, allow me to respond."
We will forever be heartbroken that Colbert didn't lay down a sick beat before dropping his retaliation rhyme, but we're still here for it. Colbert didn't give it a name, so we're going to go with "Grin and Spin," and we're already demanding a remix.
You can check out the full lyrics below and watch Colbert lay them down in the video above:
Kellyanne, you grin and spin
You stump for Trump
With your deflecting and protecting
But we all know what you really are
A town cryer for the garbage fire
A deceiver for hire and there's no one slyer
When things are most dire
You conspire to preach to the choir
A denier of our current quagmire
My desire is that you retire before you're fired
Because ma'am, you are a liar.