Being called "unhinged" by the Republican National Committee is more of a compliment than they probably expected for Michelle Wolf.
The GOP released an ad this week targeting high profile stars who made controversial statements about the right, including comedian for remarks about Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the White House Correspondents Dinner, Kathy Griffin and infamous beheaded Trump photo and Johnny Depp for musing, "When was the last time an actor assassinated a President."

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View StoryIn a preview clip from Sunday's new episode of "The Break with Michelle Wolf," she addressed the criticism head on.
"The RNC's new push is to call the left 'Unhinged 2018. Yeah, like a screen door installed by a blind lesbian, I am unhinged," she joked. "And you can unpack whatever you think that joke means."
"Expecting people not to be unhinged right now is like expecting someone whose house is on fire to keep calmly rearranging their book shelf," she continued. "What's that? My pant leg is ablaze? Well, thanks, but Jane Austen is next to Jonathan Franzen and that simply wont do."
Then came the kicker: "Right now there are two things that should be unhinged: People and those doors to the child cages."
Wolf went on to say that being unhinged "makes people active," using democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's big win this week in the New York primary as an example. "She won with a hyphenated name," Wolf continued, "You can almost hear Hillary screaming, 'I should have kept Rodham-Clinton!'"
The comedian then noted that Cortez will represent The Bronx and Queens, where Trump is from. "It's like when you see a great dane next to a chihuahua and you think, 'How are these the same species?" she asked, before clarifying, "Trump is the chihuahua, he's a tiny little bitch."
An all new episode of "The Break with Michelle Wolf" drops Sunday, July 1 on Netflix.