Almost all of the moms are frustrated beyond belief in Monday's new episode.
There was plenty of frustration to go around on the latest episode of "Teen Mom OG," as the stars battled with exes, meddling grandparents and one family member's trip to rehab.
Ready to dive into the drama? We're breaking it down by mom below.
Bristol Palin
After some "tense" weeks sharing a home with Dakota Meyer after deciding to divorce, Bristol Palin was finally ready to move out.
Speaking with one of the show's producers, Bristol explained that she and her ex still needed to hammer out custody details for their two daughters and she's heartbroken to see how Meyer has allegedly iced out her son with Levi Johnston.
"He hasn't reached out to Tripp and Tripp is crushed by it," she explained, "it breaks my heart and I'm grateful Tripps dad is doing amazing." While Bristol said it was "a constant battle" with Levi when Tripp was younger, "it feels like we turned a corner" and they're in a much better place.
When she and Dakota met up to discuss custody, it went downhill fast. It's clear these two just can't communicate with each other, as he pushed back when she wanted to bring the girls to her sister's wedding during one of his weeks with them.
She seemed shocked that he was suggesting they not attend their own aunt's wedding, for which they would be the flower girls. He eventually caved, but was still passive aggressive about the whole thing.

Bristol Palin's Ex Calls Her 'Obnoxious' and a 'F--king Smart Ass' on 'Teen Mom OG'
View Story"They can go, I don't care," he said. "I'm telling you, I think it's crazy for a whole week to go to Alaska, just for a wedding. You can take them any week."
They finally hashed out their days, making it so they have to see each other as little as possible going forward. "I don't want to fight with you, I don't want to have petty drama between us," she said in her parting words.
Meyer later attended a baseball game where he threw out the first pitch, something he admitted he hated doing. "It's like 1000 people recognizing your failure," said the Marine, who received the Medal of Honor after 2009's Battle of Ganjgal, where he witnessed the deaths of his entire team.
"I failed the most important people in my life," he said, referring to his teammates. He then said he failed again with his marriage to Bristol.
"You don't even want to bring anyone in your life," added Dakota, "you don't want to fail them too."
Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra
These two kicked off the season with Catelynn returning from treatment for anxiety. Then, they visited Tyler's father in rehab for substance abuse. Tonight, it was time for Tyler's sister, Amber, to also seek help.
Amber had been struggling with addiction, leading Tyler and Catelynn to kick her out of the home they used to live in. When they went to check out the house after, they found it looking like a complete disaster area.
Not only had the police come due to a number of complaints about the state of the house and yard, but when they went inside, they found broken windows, holes in the walls and doors with chunks cut right out of them.
"I feel like walking into a hoarder house," said Catelynn.
Tyler's mother, Kim, took Amber to rehab and admitted "I don't know what else to do for her" if it doesn't work. When Kim noted that Tyler seemed like he had no empathy for his sister and sounded bitter about his father, Amber and maybe even Catelynn -- who was right next to him -- he didn't put up much of an opposition. It was awkward.
Maci Bookout
Maci Bookout had to deal with some meddling grandparents on Monday, as the parents of Bentley's dad, ex Ryan Edwards, got all up in her business.
Jen and Larry -- Ryan's mother and father -- were discussing Bentley's education with the fourth grader, attempting to talk him into going to private school. The problem: they hadn't broached the subject with Maci at all before floating it past her son.
Of course, it all got back to Maci, who was very "upset" they never talked to her about it first. While speaking with her husband, Taylor McKinney, she said she thought public school would actually be better for her son and would keep him grounded. "I don't want Bentley to think he is on a pedestal or belongs on one being on TV," she said.
They also worried about the cost, as they wanted their two daughters to have an equal education and sending three kids to private school adds up, fast.
Cheyenne Floyd
While the episode opened up with Cheyenne Floyd second guessing her breakup from Zach, most of her storyline this week revolved around daughter Ryder's VLCAD diagnosis.
Her child was born with very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, which means she can't process fatty foods. Tonight, we saw Ryder get her blood tested to see if she'll need to stay on medication to keep everything in check.
In the end, the results seemed positive and she may be able to stay off meds going forward.
Amber Portwood
Not a whole lot went down with Amber Portwood this week, as she, Andrew and their baby boy kept living it up in Los Angeles. Amber's brother, Shawn, also came to meet the baby and get to know his sister's man a little better.
As Shawn and Amber had a private conversation, he told her that she seems "genuinely more happy" in her life now. Amber admitted she was drinking heavily after her split from Matt Baier, but straightened herself out when she became pregnant. Andrew stopped drinking then too.
"For both of us, we just needed a happy family," she added.
"Teen Mom OG" airs Mondays on MTV.