Was it all an act? Sure. But was it still hilarious? Yep.
James Corden stormed off his own set on Thursday night, after Neil Patrick Harris crashed the show.
While the actor wasn't supposed to pop out until later in the episode, he made a surprise appearance while Corden was doing a Q&A with the audience. After it became clear nobody in the studio was all that interested in the late-night host, Harris jumped out from behind a curtain to field some questions himself.
As more and more Qs came in for NPH, Corden grew more and more frustrated, until he finally exploded.
"I quit! F--k off! I'm done. This is over. I'm up to here with this shit!" he exclaimed. "Night after night after night, coming through that curtain. Oh, you want another Trump joke, sit in your desk, do your desk peice, going out and singing in a car with Britney f--king Spears! I am done! It's over, I'm out!"
He then flipped everyone off as he shouted, "Screw you, screw you and screw you. I'm out, get me outta here!"
Okay, yeah, it was all a bit, but a well-acted one for sure.
After everything calmed down, the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" star sat down with the host and revealed he actually used Corden to get out of jury duty this week.
Though he had avoided serving in the past, he finally couldn't put it off any longer and went in. "I had to say I couldn't [serve] because I was flying to Los Angeles to be on the James Corden show and therefore I wouldn't be available for the second half of the week," Harris explained.
"They said, 'That's a problem, because this is an actual professional opportunity and you can't use work as an excuse, you can only use family situations as an excuse,'" he continued. "And he said, 'Do you have family that's going to be in Los Angeles while you're there?' and I said, 'Yes, James Corden is my second cousin,' and he said, 'Great, you're free to go.'"
And, here he is.