A line was drawn in the sand between the two sides of the house and this vote could well determine who dominates for the rest of the summer!
Another week, another eviction on "Big Brother" and more of the same from the broadcast perspective. It's nothing but white noise on the topic of racism in the house.
With Julie Chen emceeing the eviction episode, the show had an opportunity to address nominee Jack Matthew's "rice pudding" comment regarding fellow nominee Isabella Wang as part of a larger discussion about issues of racism in the house. The show doesn't have to condone its contestants to say that it is perhaps indicative of the kind of behavior seen in society at large.

'Big Brother' Blowout: Still Racist (After All These Evictions) -- Not That You're Seeing It on TV
View StoryThat Jack would passively make that joke in the "safety" of a group of white people is indicative of a larger problem in this country. The same can be said for calling Latina Jessica Milagros "conseula" or any other number of subtly racist comments that have been made this season. Yes, it is our understanding that production has talked to the Jacks about their behavior and language in the house, but why is it being kept hidden from viewers?
Does "Big Brother" think that people doing well in the house need to be given a "hero" edit? Hello? Welcome to America. Being a good person and being successful hardly go hand in hand 100 percent of the time. Plenty of problematic people succeed wildly while kindhearted people are taken advantage of, chewed up and spit out.
If anything, it's even more notable that the Jacks are running the house and the effective leaders of the entire season while displaying such privileged behavior. That in itself is another statement about privilege in America. All of it would make for a very interesting social conversation, if only CBS was willing to have it. This is, after all, a social experiment so isn't it supposed to be about how "BB" represents our society?
Or is it just about pretty people in bathing suits?
The network and the show's producers did release a joint statement received by ET acknowledging "unfiltered moments" from HouseGuests. "We share some of the viewers' concerns about inappropriate behavior and offensive comments, and producers have addressed specific incidents with the Houseguests involved," the statement reads in part.
You can check out the full statement below:
Big Brother is a multi-platform reality competition show about a group of people who live in a house for several months with no contact from the outside world," the statement reads. "The audience is able to view the show during the multiple weekly broadcasts as well as on the 24/7 live, online stream, which captures unedited content of the contestants' unfiltered moments in the House. At times, the Houseguests say things that we do not condone. We share some of the viewers' concerns about inappropriate behavior and offensive comments, and producers have addressed specific incidents with the Houseguests involved. However, there is absolutely no truth that the casting of the show is racially motivated, that the Houseguests' behavior is predetermined or that the outcome is controlled in any way.

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View StoryWhat's the Strategy, Kenneth?
It's official, the Six Shooters have cast a magic spell over the whole house that has convinced the other players to just hand them the game. How else do you explain tonight's vote? It was problematic that Cliff did their dirty work for them in nominating Isabella without drawing out Christie's power. Sure, he did it to buy his own safety, but he's banking on a hope the Six will fall apart. A hope!
Since when is a hope worth throwing away half a million dollars when you have the opportunity to take control of the game. We get it was a matter of integrity for Cliff, so there's that. But he wasn't the only one who missed an opportunity, and no one else has any excuse.
With 13 people in the house and one person on the block from each side of the house, this was perhaps the "Outcats" only chance to take a numbers advantage in the game for the first time. Cliff had already said he'd take the shot at Jack if Bella could force a tie vote. What's remarkable is that she couldn't, which basically just handed the game to the Six, unless miraculous HOH wins shift the power away from them.
Isabella went down to an 8-2 vote, and now there are 12 people in the house. If one of the Six gets HOH and nominates two "Outcasts" on the block, that leaves only four others to try and save them to the five votes the Six will have to evict. Essentially they created an even playing field when they know they're outmatched physially on average by the Six. Why?
Why put yourself at a disadvantage when you had the control? On top of that, Isabella flat-out told them in a very pointed save-me speech that the Six Shooters was a thing, and it still didn't make a difference to anyone voting. Do Nicole and Jessica and Kathryn really think they have a shot at breaking up that alliance or doing any better than seventh if they turn on all of their "Outcast" allies?
This was the week to make a big change and flip the house. Cliff blinked on his chance to do it for personal reasons (a huge risk) and handed it to the house to pick up the slack he dropped. Then, they blinked even bigger and it may just be over for them except for the writing on the wall. Julie Chen always says to expect the unexpected, but this feels like inevitability.

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View StoryHouseGuest Report Cards
Jack flies right back to the top of the rankings, surviving what should have been a logical eviction. It seems that no matter what he does in the house, everyone has already decided he should just go ahead and win the $500,000. They might as well write his name on the check right now. Grade: A+
Christie still has her power, which she promised to use to help Cliff over the next two weeks if needed. But all she has to do is convince the Six to not target him for two weeks, and then that promise means nothing. She used its existence very effectively and is in a very strong place personally and within her alliance. Grade: A+
Tommy, Holly and Analyse continue to just float through the game in the middle of the most powerful voting bloc and dominant alliance of the season (how is this the thing that seems to be happening every season now, power alliances full of couples that nobody breaks up?). Grade: A
Michie is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way with his disrespectful and demanding attitude, but this is "Big Brother" and nobody seems to care. He's a "hero" and part of the Six, so he's going to be rock solid right to the end with them, unless the bottom-feeders can pull off some strategic HOH victories without Christie's power taking control right back at the Veto. Grade: A-
Cliff tried his best to salvage a disastrous HOH that fell apart around him, and while he bought himself some safety for a little while, it may not prove enough. We're not so sure this Six is going to be willing to break ranks, unless they can get to Christie and Tommy (the new bottom of that totem pole). But if anyone can figure it out, its probably Cliff, so don't count him or the "Outcasts" out just yet. Grade: B-

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View StoryNicole is laying low, and it's probably best for her game right now. The Six seem to have forgotten about her for the time being, which is in her best interest, but it's only a matter of time before they get around to her and her unwillingness to make a big move tonight indicates she's afraid of them ... or at least that's how it looks. Grade: C
Kathryn and Jessica have been virtually non-existent through most of the game. They had a chance to step up and play "Big Brother" this week, but neither of them did. They can't be so clueless as to not see the writing on the wall for their side, but they're sure not doing anything about it. Grade: C-
Sam and Nick are now firmly in the crosshairs of the Six in a post-Isabella house. That's good and bad for the rest of the "Outcasts," as it buys them a minute to regroup. But it also means there's no way they'll have the numbers to battle the Six when they do finally decide it's their turn to go. This game needs a major shakeup, and we just don't see one coming. Grade: D-
Isabella should not have gone home this week for every game reason we can think of, and yet she wasn't able to convince a house full of people that they were handing victory to Jack (or one of his alliance members) by evicting her. We're not sure if this is more of a failing on her part or theirs, but the result is eviction for Bella and disaster for everyone who is not in the Six Shooters. Things are going to get dull for awhile now! Grade: F
Oh, it's also worth noting that Bella is the fourth of four people of color evicted in a row to kick off this season. If Jessica gets inexplicably targeted next week over Nick or Sam -- who've been vocally said to be the Six's targets -- or if she even gets discussed as a possible nomination, then this is secretly the most racist season of "Big Brother" ever (the most not-secret racist season still being the infamous Season 15).

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View StoryHouse Chatter
"Cliff-a-mania is the most powerful force in the universe and I will get him one day." -Cliff (justifying why he did Six Shooter's bidding, seemingly sparing Jack)
"Cliff 1000 percent just made the biggest mistake of his game. And by putting up Bella, he might have made the other side of the house happy, but I think he forgets that last week they just voted him out. It literally is the stupidest thing I ever heard. At least if you're gonna put Bella up, make Christie use the damned power." -Nick
"I felt like my two options were to let her use the power, which means we get the same result anyway--" -Cliff
"I would have been cool with that because then she doesn't have it. Now what? Now if I win next week, I can't even attack her." -Nick
"Yeah, but we're still down one. Bella's still gone. Then all I am is the enemy number one. I'm not gonna break my word this early." -Cliff
"I know, 'cause you're a good person." -Nick
"Nick and Bella are a sinking ship. They're not my path to victory." -Cliff
"All I have to do is make sure I'm not a target until they turn on one another. And then I can go in and capitalize at that point." -Cliff (strategizing Six Shooters will implode as Gr8ful did)
"Cliff has proven that he's an honorable guy and that he's also a great competitor. So bringing him into the fold on our side might not be a bad idea." -Jack (Cliff's strategy is working!)
"I want you to know that you are, as far as I'm concerned, my final two." -Kat (to Holly)
"If Bella can force a tie and I get the chance to give the big old boot to Jack and get him out of the house, what am I going to do, Cliff-a-maniacs? What am I going to do?" -Cliff
"I'm sorry, Nick and Sam, they have to vote for me or I'll kill their families." -Isabella (campaigning to Nicole and Jessica)
"I feel so sorry for the things that I've said and the things that I've done. Whether you believe me or not, whether you never trust me, I want you to know I love you as a person, and I really, rally want to be your friend out of the game." -Isabella (apologizing to Nicole)
"This is a huge opportunity to take out Jack, and we don't know if we're going to get it again any time soon. I just don't want to regret my decision." -Nicole
"A lot of you would be kind of naive to think that there isn't a majority of people who are making the dominant decisions in the house and that does not include Nick, Sam, Cliff, Jess, Nicole, Kat-- Like it doesn't include you guys. So if Jack stays here, he's going to rejoin the majority, they're going to pick you guys off one by one and if I'm still here, I'm still going to be a target, which means you're going to be safe." -Isabella (save-me speech)
"You guys are all great, so go be great. Always." -Jack (save-me speech)
"I vote to evict Jack (eyeroll). Bye Bella, have a great summer." -Sam (not confident)
"I vote to evict Michie." -Kathryn (oh, Kat!)
"It was really just me being bad at the game." -Isabella (why she blabbed everything to everyone)
"I'm so thankful-- I can't use the word grateful anymore." -Isabella (on her relationship with Nick)
"Good luck with your tiger mom." -Julie (to Isabella regarding her very physical showmance with Nick)
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