Meeting your significant other's family this weekend? Well, "Millionaire Matchmaker" star Patti Stanger has provided TooFab with a list of tips to make such meet-and-greets a bit easier.
1. Bring a Gift: “Know what they like," says Stanger. "Ifthey're wine drinkers, bring wine; if they're cake eaters, bring cake. Bringtheir favorite 'something.' Do not show up empty-handed.”
2. Compliment Them: “Tell them they have a beautiful house or the mom that she hasa beautiful dress," says Stanger. "It's important to make nice with the siblings andcousins, as well as the parents. Tell them you've heard so many wonderfulthings about them."
3. Don't “Power Dump”: Stanger warns against sharing too much. “Don't jump the shark,” Stanger says. Sharing to much or leading with negativity, will destroy thefestivities. And on the flip side, don't give the family the third degree. “You want toknow the 411 about who you are dating,” she says, but Stanger warns against prying.
4. Don't Get Drunk: “People over-drink on the holidays," Stanger says. "Don't get drunk, no matterhow drunk the family gets.”
5. Offer to Help: “Manners go a long way;offer to help clear the table.” If the family spent hours making the food, Stanger suggests, “you should always help clean-up, even though everyone istired..the mother will probably say no but men should offer to help and thewomen should just start clearing the table."