"The Walking Dead" returned with a vengeance on Sunday night, bringing fans one of the most action-packed episodes to date.
Obviously, this post is going to be FILLED with spoilers, so stop reading now if you haven't watched yet. For those who have, welcome back -- now let's dive into "No Way Out."
Wow ... right?
Not only did we get the slaughter of an entire family (RIP Andersons), but also one of the most pivotal moments from the comics (RIP Carl's Eye). Throw in some general badassery from the residents of Alexandria and Daryl Dixon with a rocket launcher, and you've got one of the most exciting episodes of the show's entire run.
These are the moments we really need to talk about ... and the questions they pose for the future!

Daryl's Standoff with Negan's Cronies
The new episode kicked off right where the mid-season finale coda ended, with Daryl, Abraham and Sasha getting stopped by a motorcycle gang on their way back home.
"Your property now belongs to Negan," the group's leader said while collecting their weapons. Negan, of course, is one of the worst villains from the comics -- and will be introduced in the flesh later this season. The bikers want our survivors to take them back to Alexandria, so they can scope out the land and find out how they could benefit from some sort of trade arrangement with them.
After sending one of his men to search the truck with Daryl, Abraham demands some answers -- asking, "Who's Negan?"
The man then threatens to shoot them both, in a moment that had us pulling out our hair. Just as he was about to kill them though, there's a HUGE explosion thanks to Daryl Motherf--king Dixon. Yep, that rocket launcher Abe found before the break really came in handy, right?
"Nibble on that," our ginger friend quips before the camera cuts to the man's decapitated head on the ground. Roll credits!
The Major Questions: How will Negan retaliate once he finds out who took out one of his entire squadrons? Did this group have backup nearby, did the smoke attract attention and were any stray militia men able to track our trio back to Alexandria?

The Andersons Meet Their Bloody End
When we last saw most of the Alexandrians, they had covered themselves up in zombie guts in an attempt to sneak out of town.
The plan seemed to be working ... until Jesse's son, Sam, started to freak the eff out. We all saw this one coming -- but it was still shocking to see a pair of walkers chomp down on the poor kid, ripping apart his shoulder and skull. This sets off Jesse's screams, as she's quickly turned into another meal for the undead. All this is happening as she's still holding Carl's hand, so Rick has to chop off her arm to get his son free.
For fans of the comics, all of this was very familiar to what went down in Issue 83, Part Four of the "No Way Out" run, this episode's namesake.
Jesse's son, Ron, watches it go down too -- and pulls a gun on Rick, blaming him for his family's demise. As he's about to shoot, Michonne skewers him with her trusty katana, the sword sliding into him from behind.
We then learn that the gun did go off ... and hit one of the survivors. More on that next.
The Big Questions: Other than the Carl fallout, the only other question we have here is how Rick will react. He had a hard time getting over the death of Lori and it was nice seeing him get his groove back before the break. Will this affect how close he gets with women going forward? Or at least women with annoying kids of their own?

You'll Shoot Carl's Eye Out!
In the source material, another Alexandrian accidentally hits Carl while wildly shooting at walkers during the same siege. This time, it was a little more deliberate, with Ron hitting him in the face with a bullet meant for his father.
With Denise escaping the Wolf's clutches, the town's resident nurse was able to get back to work just in time and save the teen ... just not his eye. It looks like he'll live, as Carl is seen grabbing his father's hand at the very end of the episode, after Rick's speech to his unconscious son.
"I was wrong. I thought after living behind these walls for so long that, maybe they couldn't learn," he said. "I saw what they could do, what we could do, if we work together. We'll rebuild the walls, expand the walls, there's gotta be more. Everything Deanna was talking about is possible. It's all possible, I see that now ... I want to show you the new world, Carl. I want to make it a reality for you. Please, Carl, let me show you."
The Big Questions: Will Carl's injury make Rick even more protective of his son -- and how will that affect their relationship? What challenges will Carl have to overcome going forward? And will he patch it up or fly free? We'll see next week.

The Alexandrians Kick Major Undead Ass
After getting Carl to safety, Rick went mad -- taking out his rage on every walker he could get his hands on.
Michonne, Heath, Aaron all join in, seeing that it might actually be possible to drive the walkers out of town. Carol, Morgan, Tara, Eugene and even Father Gabriel all come out of hiding to fight as well.
Eugene put it best: "No one gets to clock out today ... and hell, this is a story people are going to tell."
Can't you just see the townspeople, generations from now, sitting around talking about the Battle for Alexandria? The moment one community rose up against the scourge of zombies to fight for their future. It's a nice thought, right?
In a very convenient turn of events, Daryl, Sasha and Abraham arrive back in town at this moment -- saving Glenn from being devoured at the very last second. They also happen to have a gas tanker full of fuel, which they empty into a pond and set ablaze, drawing the majority of the walkers into the fire.
The Big Questions: How many people did they lose in the siege? Will the giant fire attract unwanted outsiders to Alexandria? And lastly, how long is that cleanup job going to take? Yikes!
What did you think of this week's episode? Does it rank at the top of the all-time best list for you too? Sound off below!