If O.J. Simpson is such a good prisoner, Trevor Noah thinks he should stay there.
The comedian pleaded his case on "The Daily Show" Thursday, saying that Simpson's defense that he has "basically spent a conflict-free life" is reason to keep him in prison where he claims to be a "model citizen."
"O.J. and his people reminded us that he's been a model citizen in prison," Noah said. "He petitioned for books for the library, he coached a softball team, he never got in trouble. To me, that's kind of a reason to keep him in prison — it's the only place he's not committing crimes."

O.J. Simpson Granted Parole, Hollywood Reacts: See Who's Happy He'll Be Released
View StorySimpson was granted parole nine years into his 33-year sentence for a 2007 armed robbery in Las Vegas. "Which is great news, Because now he finally has time to find the real robbers," Noah joked, referencing the former football star's promise to find Nicole Brown-Simpson's murderer after he himself was acquitted of the charges for the crime.
"Say what you want about O.J., he made a pretty good case for why he should get out," Noah said. "'Yeah, I had a lot of conflict and I mostly got off free.' Conflict free? That doesn't even make sense on a football level. What are you talking about, O.J.?"