A tense mediation session between Mama June and Sugar Bear on tonight's "Mama June: From Not to Hot" leaves the ex-husband threatening to go "Hulk."
"In mediation, I knew June was trying to push my buttons," Sugar Bear says in TooFab's exclusive clip. "And one of these days, I'm afraid I might just blow up again."
As TooFab reported ahead of last week's episode, Sugar Bear hasn't seen his daughter Alana, AKA Honey Boo Boo, for six months. It looks like Mama June still isn't planning on forking over weekend visitation rights to her ex-husband, who isn't Alana's legal father.

Looking to blow off some steam following the meeting, Sugar tries to get new wife Jennifer into bed especially early for a little action.
"You're just frustrated because of what happened at mediation," she tells him, "More than anything, you just take it out in the bedroom and then you sleep." Now beyond any sexy talk, Jennifer offers a warning: "You got to be the calm, Mike, and not the blowed up Incredible Hulk person."
But Jennifer has a solution for the ticking bomb inside Sugar Bear: throw cinder blocks at a picture of June. After he says they don't have any pictures of June, Jennifer replies with a cunning smile: "I have an idea."
In another clip from Friday's episode, Jennifer wonders if Alana is even Mike's daughter -- and says she wants him to take DNA test to prove it.
"I can't help thinking that Alana might not be Mike's," she explains. "I know I would love Mike's child just like I love mine, but that lawyer said something that keeps sticking in my mind. If it turns out that Alana's not his, June Shannon would be out of my life forever. I sure in the hell ain't paying child support for a kid that's not Mike's."
"When he was with June, he was working a lot of nights," she says. "I wanna do a DNA test."
"Mama June: From Not to Hot" airs Friday night at 9pm ET on WE tv.