The ladies of "The View" were all in agreement that while they think Kim Kardashian is beautiful, they are absolutely not on board with her 4-year-old daughter, North West, photographing her sexy, topless shots.
"Is the kind of thing you want to -- I mean, everybody else has seen her naked, now the kid has to also," Joy Behar said.

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View StorySunny Hostin chimed in noting that while she just might not get it since her household is conservative, she doesn't like how the photo is proving how much today's society has moved away from genuine modesty.
"I think that our society, maybe because of this click-tivism and because of social media, we're moving away from a sense of modesty and I don't like it," Hostin said. "I don't mean to sound like a prude, but why is your 4-year-old taking a picture of you naked?"
"It's a post. What kind of message does that send?" she added.
Behar responded that it's just "a part of the craziness in that family," arguing Kim is teaching her daughter about the family business of "exhibitionism."

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View StoryGuest panelist *Nancy Grace** chimed in to add, "You know what, if this was somebody else and not a famous super star rolling in money, if it had been a regular mom, social services would be knocking on the door right now."
"Yeah, it's kind of tacky and wrong," Behar said before cutting to commercial break.