Hollywood stars could not contain their excitement when they heard that Paul Manafort was found guilty on eight counts of tax and bank fraud.
Cher tweeted, "I'm so excited about Paul Manafort's guiltily verdict I could [dance]!!" Kathy Griffin celebrated "topless, naturally." And Elizabeth Banks was "feeling optimistic for the first time in months."

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View StoryOn Tuesday afternoon, President Donald Trump's former campaign manager was found guilty on five tax fraud charges (which come with three-year jail terms each), one charge of hiding a foreign bank account (which comes with a five-year jail term), and two bank fraud charges (which come with 30-year terms each).
Manafort was found guilty on eight of the 18 charges he was facing, and if the aforementioned verdicts stand, he is looking at spending the rest of this life behind bars. A U.S. District Court judge declared a mistrial on the remaining 10 counts because the jury failed to reach unanimity.

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View StoryManafort faced the 18 counts of tax and bank fraud as part of the first case brought to trial by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's wide-ranging probe of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
See how Hollywood stars celebrated the news in the tweets below.
When I first saw House of Cards on @netflix I thought it was improbable fiction...
I'm So excited about Paul Manafort's Guiltily
Verdict I Could 💃🏻 &🥂‼️
BIRDS OF A FUCKING FEATHER. pic.twitter.com/aECqIXvgH9
Celebrating the Manafort and Cohen verdicts...topless, naturally pic.twitter.com/o0AO7rXFHb
Disaster zone for Trump. https://t.co/TLZ3e0vY9Q
LOCK 👏🏾 TRUMP 👏🏾 UP 👏🏾 https://t.co/s7G3RUAnLy
National security advisor:
Foreign policy advisor:
Personal attorney:
Deputy campaign chair:
Campaign chair:
Feeling optimistic for the first time in months. pic.twitter.com/C3fRSgmSHF
A candidate. Hmm....🤔 And he ain't just talkin' smack with Joey No Socks & the fellas. That's a federal judge's bus he just threw. @realDonaldTrump under. https://t.co/eGsw9TgwDR
Michael Cohen: possible 46 to 63 months in federal prison
Paul Manafort: *Hold my prune juice.*
Imagine if Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Donald Trump were all in the same prison. That would be the best season of The Apprentice ever.
August 21, 2018 mark it down on your calendars folks, today changes everything! Michael Cohen Says He Paid Off Woman Who Claimed Affair at Trump's Direction https://t.co/3myCinONsE
Dear Donald,
Speaking of stolen campaign slogans: Maybe you would be better informed if you watched less TV & read more history books.
Good luck with your Rigged Witch Hunts,
mh@foxandfiends pic.twitter.com/q9ZqytVKu8
Trump just now: “Paul Manafort is a good man...this has nothing to do with Russian collusion. I feel badly for Paul, he worked for Bob Dole...he worked for Reagan.”