After a double eviction leaves Level 6 with three members out of five left, they need this Head of Household win to ensure all three safety.
This season of "Big Brother" has both been incredibly exciting to watch and incredibly boring at times. But this is what happens when one faction is so dominant.
Don't get us wrong, the performance of Level 6 -- and particularly the trio that emerged quickly at the top of that alliance -- will go down as one of the most dominant and effective in "Big Brother" history. Even when they weren't in power, they managed to take control ... with a little help from production a time or two.

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View StoryNow, with the end game in sight, they've just not given up power at all. Someone from Level 6 always wins HOH and Kaycee seems to always win Veto. Sam and JC say they're going to go out and get it, and while that would be moderately interesting, it's not going to happen.
And even if it did, it would only assure the other one was going home. They don't have the voting power. And then they'd have to win Veto for the rest of the game to make it into the Finals. No, the writing has been on the wall for a long time now, and JC was about 48 hours too late in realizing it.
We're going to run this season like you'd run a department store. Each product, or Houseguest, may have come in with equal value, but pretty quickly you start to see that certain ones aren't working. First, you try discounting them to see if they can turn things around and become solid performers again. But if that doesn't work, it's time to put them on clearance so you can sell them out (the door). With that said, let's take a look at our inventory, ranked from our strongest performer to our weakest. But first, let's take a look at a new spotlight item in stock this week.

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It took the eviction of Brett for JC to finally start to see that Tyler is not his ally. Tyler must be working a masterful job within the house, as he's got everyone believe he's with them. Sam remained under his spell even after this latest blindside, but JC finally saw the truth for what it was.
And while he may not fully realize what Level 6 is or was, he knows that Tyler is working with Angela and Kaycee. Why else is there "no choice" when the three of them never put one another on the block. It's his own strategy of misdirection used against him The question for Tyler is how bitter JC is going to be in leaving the house.
Sam is volatile and very emotional, so if she feels personally betrayed by Tyler when she gets evicted, he'll likely not get her vote. Brett has suggested he may be an emotional juror as well, and we already know the entire Jury basically hates whoever is going to be sitting Final 2 (barring a miracle that isn't coming). It should make for an interesting finale night.

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Kaycee (even) is now going to skate through this very tough week of betrayals for Level 6 with minimal blood on her hands. She is still sitting pretty, and even if she wins the Veto (which is likely), she'll just keep nominations the same and still not have direct blood on her hands. An angry jury is going to have less reason to be mad at her.
Tyler (even) is not handling his "Final 2s" and potential jurors as well as he should be. As masterful as his gameplan has been, making all of these deals has been the part he always seemed the least confident in, and that's because he's not nearly as good about lying his way through their evictions without them feeling totally betrayed by him. That fatal flaw could cost him the game, no matter who he's sitting next to.
Angela (even) is hated by everyone in the jury house, which makes her a longshot to beat anyone left in the game at this point, save Sam. If Sam beats someones, that's pure spite and hopefully the jury is better than that. Angela has sent people home, but even worse, she did her ice princess thing with most of them while they were in the house, not befriending or getting to know anyone outside of her alliance. When it comes down to it, dismissing people altogether is not a great way to secure their votes. At least Tyler befriended them before he stabbed them all in the back.

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JC (up 1) is not Angela's target for now, but it might depend on how paranoid or annoying he gets. He has no power anyway, so it kind of doesn't matter. And he's never won anything, though if they do keep him and he wins the next HOH that would throw L6 into utter chaos.
Sam (down 1) appears to have finally outlived her usefulness in the house. She's not going to win Veto, so there's no point in hoping, and she's probably going home. The only thing of interest will be in seeing how Tyler mismanages her exit so she feels totally betrayed by him and leaves furious with him.

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"I'm still in shock. I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed. I should be happy because I'm Top 5, but I'm not. This is the first time in 80-something days that something happened in this game that I wasn't expecting it." --JC (after Brett's blindside)
"That's what happens when you go against Level 6. Stay loyal and you'll stay in the house. Go rogue and you'll be out the door." --Angela (after Brett's blindside)
"You're the best player in here, Brett." --Tyler (after he put Brett on the block)
"Apparently not. What happened man?" --Brett
"I'm sorry, brother." --Tyler (unable to look at Brett)
"Now what? There's only five of us. Do we eat supper?" --Sam
"Oh Sammie, I'll give you a hug and tell you it's okay, but this bitch is eventually gonna send your ass home." --Angela (after Sam apologized for calling her the "b-word.")
"I really have to explain myself to Sam and JC now because I just put them on the block. And I can't play in this next HOH and they can." --Tyler (always planning ahead)
"I didn't know you were working that close to the girls." --JC (seeing the truth a little too late)
"I didn't believe Tyler when he's telling me that Brett wanted me to go." --JC (if only he'd come to these realizations before Haleigh and Brett were evicted he might have had a slight chance of doing something about it)
"Payback is a bad person and that's what I want right now." --JC (wanting to target Tyler if he wins HOH)
"Now we just need to figure out which one of them is going to go and how I'm going to manage them." --Tyler (after Angela wins HOH assuring Sam and JC will go on the block)
"He's probably already scheming. We've just gotta not believe anything that comes out of his mouth." --Angela (about JC)
"Promise you won't tell anyone? Pinky promise? I'm in love with you." --Angela (to Tyler)
"I can't believe we have the same secret." --Tyler
"This show made me grow a heart." --Angela
"I said I wasn't going to get in a showmance and now I'm in love! I'm probably the happiest person in the world right now, I'm not gonna lie." --Tyler
"That concert was amazing, but stick around for the encore because JC and Sam are about to go up." --Angela (game face on after private Bebe Rexha concert)
"So now I'm officially on the block for the third consecutive time in less than 48 hours. And it doesn't feel good. If they don't respect me, then f--k 'em. So I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna win the veto. And then hell, I might win the whole game. --Sam (that would be amazing if you can pull that off, but c'mon, this is the real world)
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