The "Avengers: Infinity War" star and late-night host also participated in a wet and wild game of "Slay It, Don't Spray It."
Gwyneth Paltrow is teaching Jimmy Fallon how to be a Goop expert.
While appearing on "The Tonight Show" Wednesday night, the wellness entrepreneur asked Fallon if he would be willing to take the "How Goopy Are You?" quiz. Although the late-night host happily agreed, it didn't seem that he was expecting the test to get physical.

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View Story"Point to your chakras," Paltrow started off and Fallon responded by randomly pointing to different body parts (he got a few of them right).
"Around this area maybe?" Fallon said while gesturing towards his pelvic bone. "There might be a chakra or two."
"Your ball chakra?!" Paltrow said in response. "Yep that's a chakra too...sure!"
Fallon went on to test his experience with wellness and was asked about his detoxing skills, if he's ever gone Earthing and if he's been "rolfed" before. The comedian had no idea what the latter was (it's a type of deep tissue massage).
The actress then asked Fallon if he's ever foam rolled before. Since he hadn't, Paltrow instructed Fallon on how to use the device to release the toxins in his "fascia."
"Keep going," Paltrow said as Fallon moved the large device down his back. "Keep going. Keep going. When it gets to your sacrum."
When the roller reached Fallon's sacrum, Paltrow yelled "Penis!" causing the audience to roar with laughter. The late-night host seemed to be uncomfortable with the stretches, but it was just the beginning as Paltrow grabbed his legs for some scissor kicks.
"What?!" Fallon asked. "I can't even hear you. All the fat from my neck is going into my ears."
Although Fallon seemed embarrassed, he got his revenge on Paltrow by challenging her to a game of "Slay It, Don't Spray It." In the competition, Fallon and Paltrow were tasked with correctly reciting song lyrics. If they sang the words incorrectly, they were soaked with a stream of water that came spraying out of the microphone. Like all Fallon games, the results were hilarious.
The "Avengers" star and Fallon faced off singing hits like Ariana Grande's "No Tears Left To Cry" and "Hey Ya" by Outkast. See who came out drenched in the clip below.
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