Hannah finally chooses between Jed Wyatt and Tyler Cameron, but the story doesn't end there!
It was the moment Bachelor Nation has been waiting for -- and the other moment Bachelor Nation has been waiting for -- as "The Bachelorette" came in for a landing and Hannah Brown made her choice between Jed Wyatt and Tyler Cameron.
The whole evening was a roller coaster affair from start to finish, with multiple attempts at proposing and Jed finally facing the music about those allegations of having a girlfriend back home when he left to film this season of the show. But how and when did that truth come out, and what did Jed and Hannah do about it next?

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View StoryLet's just say Chris Harrison hasn't had topics this juicy to talk about since ... well, last week when he got to lay into Luke Parker for his awful behavior throughout the season. But we bring Luke up because of something Hannah said about why she held onto him so long on the show.
One of her biggest fears coming into the show, she revealed, was trusting the motivations of her suitors. She was worried that some of them might not be there for the right reasons, and they might be using the show and her experience for personal gain and/or simply lying to her.
And yet, that's exactly what Jed has been accused of doing.

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View Story"This Isn't It"
But before we could get to that heartbreak, we had to find out which guy Hannah picked, and first up it was Tyler. As expected, he was incredibly respectful and forthright about what he wanted out of his future. He talked beautifully about how Hannah had helped him grow as a man and how deeply he's fallen in love with her.
And then, in the middle of a sentence, Hannah simply said, "Tyler--"
"This isn't it," he realized after a brief pause.
Hannah Brown, from the moment I met you you've captivated my soul. I always knew the man I wanted to be and I knew I'd get there one day, but I didn't know how. And then I met you and I realized the man I'm meant to be -- [it] took you to push me to get there. I have grown so much emotionally, spiritually and so madly in love. I know our love was slow start but it has a light that will burn forever, just like the lighthouse we met under in Jupiter, Florida. I started falling in love with you the first moment I got to hold you, dance with you and have you in my arms on our first date--Tyler--This isn't it.No just-- just-- I am so lucky to be loved by you and to feel that. You have supported me. You have been so sweet and strong for me and done everything that I've asked and more and loved me so much. And my life with you would be amazing. And when I told you I was falling in love with you, I mean it. But I love someone else. I'm so sorry. I don't--
It was a gut-wrenching scene for Bachelor Nation to watch, and especially because they knew the allegations looming over Jed. Did Hannah really just throw Tyler away a week after getting rid of Peter?

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View Story"Talking Is Hard for Me Sometimes"
So is honesty, apparently. As expected, Jed worked a song into his proposal and Hannah "really liked" it. Bachelor Nation may have been seeing red, but the only red Hannah could see was in the final rose she offered to Jed. If only it had all ended there, things would have at least had the illusion of a happy ending for the newly-engaged couple.
But less than a month ago while pleading with fans to leave his family alone, Jed asserted that he was not able to talk about the allegations he'd left a girlfriend behind to go on the show, indicating this would likely come up in the season finale. And it came up in a huge way as Hannah invited cameras back into her life just as the story broke wide.
"I came on the show hoping to find love and wanting to spend my life with someone and with Jed I was so happy because I thought I was getting this person that I can spend life with who is sweet and sincere and honest and-- That's not been the case," Hannah said.
Haley,You're truly an amazing person. Someday we'll be thankful for all of this. You know where my heart will be. See you at the dock. --J
It was one of the most painfully awkward conversations ever seen on a "Bachelor" show, as Hannah yanked and tugged and pulled at Jed to try and get some semblance of the full truth out of him. Instead, she got assertions that he loved her and what certainly sounded like attempts to tell her as little as possible.

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View Story"It Was Just for Your Career"
Every word was calculated, and while he did answer pointed questions about whether they had sex and how serious they were, he still wasn't offering up the most damning details. As he saw it, he was afraid to lose her. So instead, he put his fiancee in the worst possible light on a public stage making her look like a fool.
He also proved her worst fear had come true.
"It didn't seem like it was a dating show to you, it was just for your career.""In my mind, yeah, I was going there for a music thing.""And you probably kept reassuring her it was a music thing, you don't have to worry. I know this is what happened. That's what happened.""Yeah, I told her like this is going to be a really good thing for music. I just highly doubt that this could actually ever be a relationship, that I'd go in there and actually like someone."
"When you said you were coming for music, I thought oh, like he doesn't know what this is about, not knowing it was a conversation all the time with another girl you were talking to. That makes it totally different."
Jed even admitted that he'd told Haley that he loved her right before heading off to do the show. Honestly, it looks like he was hoping for some exposure to take his music career to the next level (as many people go on reality shows for) and got caught off guard by how much Hannah was falling for him.
Did he fall for her? Or did his ego not allow him to step away? We may never know for sure, because Jed came across as very egocentric, disingenuous, arrogant and insincere. At one point, he lamented that the cameras might see him cry while talking to Hannah.
"There's just a lot that does feel like it's career and being noticed and it feels like it's like using me, our relationship for that.""I don't want you to feel that way, so what can I do to like not-- like what will demonstrate otherwise with that."
Note that even at this point, Jed can't simply say that it's not about his career anymore and that he's fallen in love with her. Instead, he doesn't want her to feel that way. It may be that way, but he doesn't want her to feel like it is. What is that he said to Haley? "Someday we'll be thankful for all of this."
Well, that line clearly didn't work with Haley, who dumped him, and it didn't work with Hannah, either as she left the ring on the table and broke it off with Jed shortly after.

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View Story"I Make Bold Moves"
But it wasn't all sadness and frustration for Hannah or Bachelor Nation, as Chris Harrison brought out fan-favorite Tyler for the final segment. "I mean, those feelings just didn't go away," Hannah told Chris as the crowd erupted in cheers.
Tyler again was gracious and so sweet, lifting up Hannah and praising her strength of character throughout their short time together. He also admitted he felt awful for what had happened, because he really thought she'd be in good hands with Jed.
All the while, Hannah was smiling and using every bit of body language she could muster to indicate that she's still totally into Tyler. But this is Hannah Brown, and she doesn't just let subtle hints and suggestions to do the work for her.
"I want somebody to be bold and I'm bold and I make bold moves so I mean, I--" she said to Tyler haltingly. "You're an incredible guy and I'm a single girl, so I don't know, I thought maybe we could just go for a drink and hang out."

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View StoryAfter the audience and Chris calmed down, Tyler replied, "I would love to. Just tell me when, I'm there."
And that's about as close to a happy ending as Hannah is going to get on this journey, and it's certainly an ending Bachelor Nation can be satisfied with. She got to have it out with both Luke and Jed, telling both men how their awful behavior had tainted the experience for her, and she still got to meet a great guy.
Hannah's had to have been one of the most painful "Bachelorette" experiences yet. She dealt with Luke throughout, had her biggest fears about being lied to realized and the guy she ultimately chose proved to be the biggest liar of all. That she is able to come out of it with even a date with a great guy is a huge plus.
But perhaps more importantly, Hannah came out of it with a new strength of character and sense of her own self worth. By enduring awful people like Luke and Jed on national television, Hannah learned that she is enough. She can supplement her own bold greatness with a man if she chooses, but she's also just fine by herself.
She can tell Tyler all about it on their date, but she'd be preaching to the choir. He already knows all of that.

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View StoryCheck out some other great (and some tragic) lines from the season finale of "The Bachelorette" below:
"I've always prayed for my future husband and as little girl I can remember sitting in my room, I never knew who I was praying for but I was always wondering just what their life was like, what they were doing, what their passions were. I sometimes questioned God has allowed things to happen in my life the way they did, the struggle, the way I've struggled and had the heartbreaks I've had and why this was my journey. There are so may times in my life that I thought would be it and it wasn't and I didn't understand why. But it's led me to this moment, it's led me to you. I've been praying for this moment for a long time. I've been praying for you. You've supported me, you've loved me, you've challenged me, you've moved me and it's made me love you so ,so much. And I am in complete love with you. I love you, Jed Wyatt." --Hannah
"I love the person I got engaged to. I don't know how I feel about this person." --Hannah
"This is the time to be as blunt as I am." --Hannah (to Jed)
"You told me to tell you the truth." --Jed
"I want you to tell me the truth but I'm also going to react to the truth and be like what the freak!" --Hannah
"Her parents got me a vacation to the Bahamas. It's for my birthday but the day of the vacation is her birthday." --Jed
"But you don't call that dating?" --Hannah
"She was upset because I'm leaving and we're sitting there on this extravagant trip. I'd been drinking. I'm not going to make that an excuse but I had been and I told her that I loved her. And when I said it it didn't feel right and I knew it was a mistake because I was leaving." --Jed
"Just selfish." --Hannah
"It is selfish."
" It's so selfish to her. It's selfish to me."
"I know. I know. So I leave and after I landed in LA and started this whole thing that was like a goodbye for me. Which is not a proper goodbye. It's not the right way to do it. It's not close to the right way to do it."
"How is it a goodbye? Because you know I've seen the text messages.
"It wasn't a verbal goodbye."
"No, it was a, I love you."
"To me I ended it in my heart and not verbally."
"How? You said you loved her on a phone call and in a text the day of."
"Like what do those words mean to you?"
"I didn't know until I met you."
"It's not just the words, you slept with her the night before you left."
I can't-- I don't want to cry on camera." --Jed
"Who cares, Jed?" --Hannah
"I just feel like this experience was taken away from me because I didn't know all the details. I was being told half-truths and lies. You wanted me to have clarity and clarity means truth. You got to see all of me, I didn't get to see all of you. All the scars that have been on my heart is because of people not being honest with me. You're really selfish in this and I just feel like right now, my decisions, my choices were all tainted." --Hannah
"I need some good grace and patience." --Jed
"I have grace for you. I can be mad and I can be upset but I do have grace for you. But also this doesn't mean the same thing. That's not what I said yesto." -- Hannah (taking off the engagement ring)
"I think I speak for everybody when... We can 'ship this." --Chris (after Hannah asked Tyler out)
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