"Joe doesn't even the words," Nick jokes when Jimmy has to sing the Jonas Brothers' rapid-fire "Sucker" to avoid a soaking.
As a professional singer, Nick Jonas knows a lot of established songs, and as a new coach on "The Voice," he's heard even more of them as contestants have brought a whole range of covers to the audition. But how well does he know them?
The freshman coach, who has come out swinging in the first two nights of competition thus far, was put to the test alongside Jimmy Fallon in a twisted game of Slay It, Don't Spray It on "The Tonight Show" Tuesday night.

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View StoryThe rules are simple enough. Sing along with the lyrics to a popular song and then finish the line correctly when the lyrics drop out. Get it right and your opponent gets soaked. Get it wrong and it's you who has to wring water out of your socks after it runs down the length of your body.
Ever the gentleman, even before the game began, Nick said, "May the best man win."
"Yeah, of course I will," joked the famously competitive Jimmy. And yet, from the top, he knew he was in trouble on this one. Like most fans of music, Jimmy knows the main beats of songs and can confidently sing along, just mumbling through the parts he doesn't know. But that won't work here.
But how did the pro do? Nick came out strong, slaying Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl," though even Jimmy had to confess that was one many people know all the lyrics to. Especially when his first selection was Train's "Drops of Jupiter." The end result there was probably inevitable.
Jimmy thought he had the edge on Nick's next song, as he was given the line "A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it," from Fall Out Boy's "Sugar, We're Goin Down." Now, everyone knows the rhythm and basic content of this line, but Nick nailed it to perfection, sending Jimmy to another soaking.

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View StoryHonestly, Nick was so cool and confident to this point, we started to wonder if maybe this whole thing was a bit rather than an actual game. Especially because the next song put Jimmy to the ultimate test. He had to complete the lyrics to "Sucker" by the Jonas Brothers in front of a Jonas brother or get soaked.
And at this point, Jimmy had shown minimal confidence even when singing along with parts of songs where he did have the lyrics. But he stepped up when it counted and had no problem filling in, "Say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly," immediately dousing Nick with a blast of cold water.
"Look who's blind now," he joked.
But Jimmy was back to terrified when the last round, which required them to both get it right or both get soaked, revealed the song "High Hopes" by Panic! at the Disco. "I don't know if I got this one, dude," Jimmy said, trying to run it through his head. "I feel real bad, I think I'm gonna ruin it for both of us."
But did he? You'll have to check out the video to find out, and see how well you could do with these well-known song lyrics.
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