His TikTok video swiftly gained millions of views before Travis Scott's show was cancelled and many were left wondering what happened to the kid who sold his whole house
A 17-year-old video editor just tricked millions of people on TikTok.
When Travis Scott announced he would be playing at the oldest of the Seven Wonders of World, it was an all out war for those who hoped to score a once-in-a-lifetime ticket. And high schooler Charles Curle, thought it was the perfect moment to try out his editing skills to pretend he sold his house to fund the trip to Egypt.
With the help of his brother, Curle filmed himself with clanging keys in hand, standing in front of a sold house sign. The video then cut to a clip featuring the wing of a plane and the pyramids off in the distance.
Eight seconds was all it took for the video to cause a stir, reaching over 1.2 million likes within a matter of days. However, when Scott announced the cancellation of the Utopia concert in Egypt, the internet quickly scurried back to that same video, wondering how the 17-year-old who had sold his house for the show would be handling this upsetting news.
For Curle, however, this was no upset but rather just another hilarious and unexpected twist to his already successful prank.
"When I had made the post, I wanted to make sure it was crazy and unbelievable. So, I feel like that’s what made it so compelling, like this is super-high stakes," Curle told Rolling Stone, admitting that he hadn't actually sold his house. "No one else is really doing that. So I think that's what really catches people's attention and gets so much traction on the platform."
If one were to look more closely into Curle's TikTok, it’d be clear that he's become quite the aficionado in VFX – with his feed reflecting various surreal clips and effects.
"I've been editing since I was 10, but I started editing for TikTokers two years ago," Curle explained, adding how he's already working on spoof projects with fellow TikToker Nasir Falana, a.k.a. "Nas."
"When I graduate, I want to start learning CGI. I want to work with big name companies that create films and different things like that. So I want to get a major in business and then a minor in film, and then start an editing agency," he said.
"I didn't think they were going to fall for something like this, but also that people will get so riled up over something that doesn't really affect them," Curle reflected in regards to the Scott video's success. "It's really funny. It’s awesome, honestly."