Late-Night LOLS 'The Late Show' Melania Trump Dreams of Emmanuel Macron Rescuing Her From White House 5/05/18
'WWHL' Katie Couric Regrets 'Joking' That Matt Lauer Pinched Her Butt and Reviews Michelle Wolf's WHCD Jokes 5/02/18
Happy Birthday! 11 of Melania Trump's Most Awkward Moments With the President in Honor of First Lady's Birthday 4/26/18
'The View' Joy Behar and Meghan McCain Blow Up Over Melania Trump Birthday Joke on 'The View' -- 'You Have No Sense of Humor!' 4/26/18
Pop Politics Trump's Meeting With Macron Delights Twitter: Every Weird, Uncomfortable and Unintentionally Hilarious Moment 4/24/18
'It's Over' Sean Hannity Agrees to Ceasefire With Jimmy Kimmel, But He's Not Afraid to 'Punch Back Even Harder' 4/10/18
Late-Night LOLs Late-Night Hosts Fry Trump for Forgetting the Name of the White House During Annual Easter Egg Roll 4/03/18