Brett may have stirred up even more than he anticipated when he made up an elaborate story about Rockstar at the last eviction ceremony on "Big Brother," as the proverbial shit hit the fan so bad after that CBS had to trot out their "viewer discretion" disclaimer.
Not seen since the infamous season of racism ("BB 15"), CBS kicked off an explosive hour of television with a disclaimer warning viewers -- or more specifically, protecting their own asses by saying the views expressed by Houseguests do not reflect the views of CBS its shareholders. Don't be mad at us!

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View StoryWhat followed was Rockstar unloading on Brett, Bayleigh and JC getting into it over racial, homophobic and stature slurs, and Sam doing some majorly uncalled-for slut-shaming. All in all, it was a wild night of "Big Brother" and one we're all still trying to process fully. And none of that even includes the fact that we got a new HOH and two new nominations, though it all ties together in the worst possible way.
We're going to run this season like you'd run a department store. Each product, or Houseguest, may have come in with equal value, but pretty quickly you start to see that certain ones aren't working. First, you try discounting them to see if they can turn things around and become solid performers again. But if that doesn't work, it's time to put them on clearance so you can sell them out (the door). With that said, let's take a look at our inventory, ranked from our strongest performer to our weakest ... after we spotlight a couple of new items in stock.

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View StorySPOTLIGHT ITEM: All the Wrong Words
This argument that erupted out of a purely innocent conversation was both thought-provoking and frustrating at the same time. Bayleigh, who is black, asked JC, who is not a little person but short enough that many think he is, asked him about the derogatory M-word for little people, only she said it. And so, he tried to explain it to her by saying it is comparable within that community to the F-word for the gay community and the N-word for the black community.
Only, he said both words.
She was with him, until he dropped the unfiltered N-word. "You're not allowed to say that," she told him in no uncertain terms. "Don't do that again." At this point, Bayleigh got angry and stormed out.
Later, she told him she'd never call him the F-word -- JC is also gay and Hispanic -- only she didn't censor her use of that word, or the M-word. This kind of weakened her own argument that these derogatory terms are offensive no matter their context. JC was using the word educationally and within that context, just as she was. Essentially, she was saying that her offense held more weight and value than his.
Neither of them were trying to offend, but Bayleigh seemed to be having a hard time stepping outside of her own triggered state to see how she was disrespecting him by doing the exact same thing to him: not censoring words he'd just told her are equally offensive to him and people like him.

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View StorySPOTLIGHT ITEM: Slut-Shaming HOH
Sam has been a fan-favorite since Day One due to her Southern charm and folksy accent. But she also apparently brought her narrow-minded and judgmental side. After winning HOH, she set up one of the cruelest nomination ceremonies we've ever seen. She kicked it off by telling everyone in no uncertain terms that her nomination choices were already made, no one was to campaign to her or even be in her HOH room without her there.
That last part is just kind of a dick move, as she's essentially telling everyone they can't use the nicer shower up there, or even enjoy the room. Most other HOH winners are pretty nice in sharing their space, but Sam is having none of it. It painted her as kind of a shitty and selfish person (we saw hints of this while she was a very demanding and arrogant and rude robot at times early on).
In fact, in hindsight, maybe it wasn't Sam being cute and funny when she was shouting at Tyler to get off the wall during that endurance competition and give her this week's HOH. Maybe she was genuinely yelling at him because she just wanted to bully him into giving her her way. We think we're only beginning to see the real Sam emerge, and it's not a pretty picture.
After refusing to talk to anyone about her picks, she abruptly threw Kaitlyn and Haleigh on the block. But it was how she explained her decisions that shocked most of the house. "I don't care for how the two of you treat the young men in the house. I think that they deserve more respect, and I think that it is the opposite of female empowerment," she told them in front of the whole house. "And I think that you should both respect yourselves more."
That is some Grade A slut-shaming right there coming from a shocking place of arrogance and entitlement. Where did Sam come up with the gall to so publicly attack these women. Say what you will about their flirtatious nature, but these are pretty people in a house with other pretty people. Who declared her the purity police?
Now, she can play the game however she wants and make decisions for whatever reasons she wants, but there could be repercussions for her social game, as well as her alliances. At least we know the remaining bro, Brett, is loving every second of it!

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Tyler (up 3) has Kaitlyn so wrapped around his finger, she is not only convinced he didn't flip his vote (which he did), but she still comes to him with everything. The only problem with how thoroughly he has her in his thrall is that if she ever finds out, her wrath will be epic. If she's in the house, look out. If she's in the jury house that is one vote he will never get. But for now, it is keeping his duplicity on the down-low.
JC (up 1) made some in-roads with Bayleigh and that side of the house with his sensitive conversation, while maintaining his loyalty to the Level 6 voting bloc, even if he does't know it exists. His floating strategy has him sitting pretty in safety-ville.
Sam (down 2) didn't even reveal that she has the Bonus Life power app which will trigger this week, allowing one of her nominations the chance to return. She talked about it early on, and said she wanted to be able to control noms this week, so are these nominations her way of trying to "help" Kaitlyn and Haleigh by showing them how awful she thinks they are? It's not uncommon for morality crusaders to use cruelty and shame to achieve their goals. But what is she doing here? There will be repercussions, and this is a house filled mostly with women, and even some of the men won't find that speech cool.
Angela (up 4), Kaycee (up 4) and Rachel (up 4) are the invisible trio of Level 6, just doing what they do. And Sam has apparently decided none of them are whoring themselves out, so they get a pass this week.
Brett (up 6) gets away with being a smug douche in calling out Rockstar, and because Sam wouldn't even entertain conversations, Rockstar had no chance to really defend her case. The mastermind of chaos unleashed a hellstorm this week and it pulled the target right off of his back.
Bayleigh (down 3) might find herself in a better spot in the game because she and JC had a shared moment there after a difficult conversation. Both of them were finally respectful and at least heard the other out. JC has influence in the house, so if he doesn't want her to go yet, we don't think she will, which could help her in the short term as Level 6 seems to be taking control of the numbers.
Faysal (down 4) has laid low and played a pretty chill game, even if it is tearing him up inside, and the poor guy is being lied to and manipulated by everyone. This week, it was JC behind throwing Kaitlyn and Haleigh under the bus as the vote flippers, when they weren't, and it's left him questioning his closest friends in the house ... and then Sam came gunning after them.

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Scottie (up 1) is on the Level 6 radar after being the first HOH to actually knock them down a number. Sam doesn't seem interested in targeting him this week, but they're not going to forget.
Rockstar (down 9) was victimized by Brett when he lied about her, but we're not sure picking up Josh's pots and pans and singing songs about Brett being her secret showmance will work to her benefit in the game. The lines are already drawn, and most people know Brett was lying. His alliance doesn't care, and hers believes her. So at this point, she's only making herself a bigger target to the Level 6 side and might begin to annoy her own.
Haleigh (down 7) doesn't really deserve to be here for any game reason, as she's essentially been a floater thus far. She is only here because of Sam's out-of-left-field vendetta, so if nominees stay the same, there's no reason the house should be gunning for her.
Kaitlyn (down 1) might be here for the same reason, per Sam, but she's definitely the bigger target. Tyler could lobby to keep her because he can manipulate her and she in turn manipulates her alliance, thus giving him puppet-master control, but if the rest of Level 6 decides she's done because she's proven herself unpredictable and disloyal, there won't be much he can do.

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"It's really simple why I chose to target Rockstar. I can't stand her. I can't influence her with gameplay because she plays personally, so why not make her freak out, paint her as a liability and make her a target." --Brett (explaining why he made up a lie to throw Rockstar under the bus)
"I really just need to talk to Tyler and get to the bottom of this. --Kaitlyn (girl, he's gonna lie to you)
- "Look me in my eyes right now and swear on your father's grave that you didn't flip." --Kaitlyn (trying to figure how the vote flipped)
- "I would never do that." --Tyler (toldja)
- "Okay, okay." --Kaitlyn
"Don't ever ask me again." --Tyler (mad she had him swear on his father, but dude, you totally just lied on your father)
"I take cold showers every day, even when I'm not a Have-Not. 'Cause I'm a f--king animal, hoo-rah!" --Sam (pumping herself up during endurance comp)
"I've already decided who I'm gonna nominate. Once my mind is made up, that's that. I will not be moved. Don't even try it." --Sam (immediately after winning HOH)
- "She is not going to put you up." --Bayleigh
"If she does, I'll just go home to my family. These f-----g guys, the kind that always f-----g win!" --Rockstar (in tears frustrated with alpha male bros like Brett)
- "There are going to be no one-on-ones. I already have it in my mine who I'm going to nominated. I'm not allowed to say who, so I don't intend on telling anybody." --Sam (this isn't how you play "Big Brother")
"Let the HOH dictatorship begin." --JC
- "Do you think it was Tyler and JC?" --Kaitlyn (it so was)
"To my core, I really don't think that." --Haleigh (you are so wrong)
"Brett in the house. He's my best friend. Oh, I'm so happy! Don't talk about his micropenis. Hey, it's Brett! It's Brett, Brett, Brett! I'm so happy he's here! We have a secret showmance!" --Rockstar (trying to annoy Brett to expose he was lying)
- "Okay, let me ask you this. Is there a difference between a m----t and a dwarf?" --Bayleigh
- "M----t is like saying gay and f----t." --JC
- "So it's just a name for it?" --Bayleigh
- "Or like n----r and black." --JC (finishing his thought)
"You're not allowed to say that. Don't do that again." --Bayleigh (shutting it down)
"So I happen to be very short. I'm also gay and Hispanic. If we're talking about discrimination, I might know one thing or two." --JC (talking in the Diary Room)
"I would never call you a f----t," --Bayleigh (using a derogatory term as a statement, the same way she argued he did to her)
"My family is watching this," --Haleigh (after Sam slut-shamed her during the nominations)
"It's the opposite of women supporting women." --Kaitlyn (same)
"You took a shot at my girls, that's taking a shot at me. So if I was Sam, I would watch out." --Faysal
- "I am very pleased with what I have done. The house is in chaos." --Brett