The web is abuzz over Britney Spears' weekend date, and toofab has the exclusive details!
As TMZ first reported, Britney (who ended her engagement to Jason Trawick in January) visited Sherwood Country Club on Saturday with a mystery man named David.
Sources tell toofab Britney's team reached out to Sherwood telling them she wanted to play there. Because Sherwood is members' only, her team said she was considering joining.
Sherwood granted the couple access to the putting green and driving range. But upon checking in, Britney's jeans didn't meet the country club's dress code. Britney went to the pro shop and bought the purple polo and black trousers seen in the photos above.
David -- who's a golf enthusiast -- taught Britney how to putt. We're told Britney was quite taken with David and the game -- and she is actually considering joining Sherwood Country Club.